But would someone from Yemen be bothered whether royal ascent was given for the NHS, when it's that same power that has granted their lives forfeit?
But the Queen didn't make policy on Yemen. Every text book, every source you google on the internet, every person on here is telling you that. The government of the day decides foreign policy. I don't know what else to tell you so I'll leave it there.
Or if we must have a ceremonial head of state, why not have it for a fixed term - 1 year - have a public vote, perhaps on primetime TV - presented by Ant & Dec - call it Britain's Got Royals and you've got a ratings winner. The winner gets to open stuff, do a bit of charity work and live in a palace for a year before handing their crown over to the next winner. Everybody is happy
They are a funny lot, that's true. Perhaps they should insist on road signs being in Welsh only, as a symbol of their pride in the language rather than the current Welsh/English . When the English lorries they depend on for their goods in the shops fail to turn up, it could be described as a symbolic price worth paying. It'd wipe the smiles off a few faces though. I've often thought how bad it must feel to hate the English but to have to speak their language.
Strange stance singling out Wales on this. Surely you could just replace 'Wales' and 'Welsh' with 'England' and 'English' - why make out Wales is being put upon? It could read: 'No debate, no discussion, no referendum. Just imposed the latest English Royal on England. And somehow expecting English people to just be cool with it. Or not giving a fk whether they are or not?' Or if that's too many mentions of 'England' and 'English' (and the Stewart Lee aficionados kick in), just use Britain and British. Odd post.
ffs he's still banging on about Cymru a history lesson for you RA The title Prince of Wales dates back to the 14th Century when Edward 1 conferred the title on his 16 year old son after the CONQUEST of Wales. Now we Taffs have a long memory and the term 'Prince of Wales' is synonymous with 'Conquest'. and we're not keen on that word! The Leader of Y Senedd Mark Drakeford was given no official notification of the appointment of the P o W - found out listening to the news. As for an Investiture in Wales - it ain't going to happen.
Who's still 'banging on about Cymru?' As for your example, there are a thousand reasons why the English, or the Scots, or the Irish, or the British wouldn't want the royals representing them or continuing to reign over them. My comment was, why has the OP singled out Wales? It makes no sense. None of us asked for the royal family to continue to rule. They just do.
Prince William will be referred to as Prince of Wales but if there's an Investiture it will not be to the West of Offa's Dyke on Welsh soil - absolutely not!
Ah yes, just had a trawl through. Again, don't understand the Welsh bit like. Your point could also be extended to any one of the home nations (or Commonwealth), just switch out 'Prince' with 'King' and 'Welsh' with any country that the new king has been imposed upon: 'to be told that 'their Prince' is an English royal, and that they get no say on the matter...I can see how some welsh people might have a problem with that. you might be right, the majority of welsh people might support it. I dunno. but they never get asked.'
Edward Longshanks killed Llewelyn ap Gruffudd and stuck his head on the Tower of London for about 15 years, then hanged, drawn and quartered his son and locked his daughter up for the rest of her life. Dafydd was captured in the hills above Abergwngregwyn - home of the "Aber Falls" distillery and a beautiful walk up to the Aber Falls. The installation of the "Prince of Wales" was meant to be a Welsh speaking prince born in Wales, but Edward took his wife to Chester and she gave birth of an English speaking son marking the start of 600+ years of oppression.