Following on from the hair transplant thread, I'm actually looking for beard advice. I usually go for the George Michael light stubble look (minus the physique and public indiscretions). It never gets long enough to be able to trim, but around day 4 starts to get incredibly uncomfortable, so I just have a shave and start again. Leaving it any longer leads to extremely blotchy skin, even if I use a good quality razor. Anyway, I was so busy over the last few days that by the time I even got round to thinking about shaving it was day 5. My missus came up with the idea of letting it grow to see what would happen (might as well now), as her beardy dad told her that it will soon reach a point where it's no longer uncomfortable, and I'll never want to be without a beard again (he's had his for over 50 years). Well I'm now on day 8, it's itching like mad, but it feels so blotchy and irritated underneath that I'm terrified to shave it off and look like I've got some horrendous dermatological complaint. Any advice, including possible clinics in Turkey, would be much appreciated.
Stick with it, your father in law is right, the itching will stop. Suggest you get an electric beard trimmer aswell, that way you can just trim rather than shave off.
Just let it grow, it will get better. Use a moisturiser (I've got dry skin and always use it, aftersun I find is good) massage it in to the beard well, it will give it a nice sheen, when it starts to get unruly decide what length you want it and start to trim it. Buy a decent beard trimmer. Same as your dad in law I've had one for 50 years. Always got blotchy skin when wet shaving and a rash that used to bleed. Never wet shave now, a good electric does the trick for me. I've had all sorts of styles from full on bushy, stubbly, got a goatee now and had that style for a few years now. A good well conditioned beard takes a bit of maintaince. People used to say that it was just being lazy and not shaving but they do need some maintance and in my opinion it's well worth the effort. Hang in there mate and good luck.
When I go on long distance walks I save weight by not taking a shaver, so my beard starts to grow. As you say, after about 4 or 5 days it starts to itch, but that goes away after about 7 days. On really long walks, 3 weeks or more, I begin to wonder if my beard actually weighs more than my shaver. In my case it grows mostly white, so it adds about 85 years to my apparent age, and in December I often get confused with Father Christmas by children. When I finally get back, it takes ages to shave it off but I always do it so that I no longer look 152 years old. However, one tip. Never shave a beard off in winter. If you do, and you go outside, your face will feel like it's about to freeze solid.
I've not had a full shave for at least 10 years. I normally stick between 5-8mm on the beard trimmer and trim the neck line without a guard. I actually grew my hair too since just before the first lockdown until last week when I purchased a remington clipper (the palm held one) and shaved it all off myself. A bit sad seeing the bonnet go but it'll save on the water, shampoo and hair drying costs in the current financial climate.
I cant second this enough - I did that once when I came home for Christmas as a student and I am never doing that again! To the OP it stops itching fairly soon and then life is much easier. I have a beard trimmer and just use it once a week (approx) so much easier than shaving every day
As others say after 20 days or so the itching stops, use beard oil or one of the many moisturiser available at all high street shops. If after a while you feel like shaving it off soap yersen I did in May was awful, that said I never got the itchiness again. They say it ages you well I’m happy being grey and old looking Up the uncle Alberts
Project aborted. Day 9. Itching unbearable. Every time my mind drifted at work, all I could think about was having a shave. Finally cracked this evening. My face looks like the side of Mount Etna, but it feels so good to be rid of the hedgehog. Massive respect to you beardies out there. I genuinely have no idea how you put up with it.
Not had a shave for a couple of years, it's about z top in length as opposed to the full zztop, that's my goal. I trim it to keep it shaped , still have the occasionally itchy day......