The page they wrote in the programme last night was sad to read. Bad behaviour is costing us money as we have to spend more on security. At Wednesday around 50 seats and the gents toilet were damaged. Arrests were made outside the ground. At the Lincoln game a 14 year old drunk girl assaulted a steward and an away fan was assaulted outside the ground. It mentioned the sexist chanting against Bristol Rovers. We've known for a long time we've a group of idiot fans but a drunk 14 year old girl attacking a steward really shocked me.
Are 14 year olds allowed unaccompanied into the ground? Surely her parent/guardian should be arrested.
I don't know about anyone else but when i was fourteen i did my drinking in secret. I'd be mortified if one of my parents were arrested after i got drunk and lamped a steward in Oakwell, regardless of age. Despite their best efforts, my own parents couldn't control everything I got up to at that age. That being said, I would never have done what she did. She deserves to be reprimanded, can't blame the parents here unless they were the ones getting the rounds in.
Absolutely, I’m just saying I thought 14 year olds couldn’t attend a match without a responsible adult, and the responsible adult should be just that. If they’re not, they’re also committing an offence. Getting drunk on Ward Green field and throwing up down Wigfield Farm were never observed by an adult responsible for me…
Did she look 14 ? Girls tend to look older then they are so she probably got in without anyone checking,terrible behaviour by her.
When did that come in about Under 14's? When i was 10, there was no issue at all... mind you, that was 1975
I used to get let in by the old lad on the big Ponty end gate when I was about 11/12. It was usually just before half time and he’d update me with the score as I went in. I had a Saturday job and couldn’t get on time for turnstiles.
Come to think of it, i was selling programmes for the club when i was 14. Packed it in when a drunken Grimsby fan threatened me cos i didn't have enough change .
I remember when I used to be given my match entrance money from my mother. I must have been 9 or 10. I’d walk down to Tannadice and join a queue asking a man if he’d lift me over the turnstile. Or I’d get on my hands and knees and crawl under as the man payed his way in. Keeping my match money to spend on sweets. Great days and memories.