I think you're wrong. Not specifically you, but everyone who thinks this. I think you just haven't grasped what's happened yet. I know that sounds patronising. So, do me a favour, bookmark this post and put an entry in google calendar for 18 months from now and we'll discuss it then and see what you think.
I think she 's already won that one. Thousands like me that don't do twitter and therefore wouldn't have known. But we do now.
I'm intrigued enough that I've done this. I decided in the summer that I'm not putting any more money into the club because I think they've turned us into a glorified academy. I suspect that our current owners have no interest whatsoever in us being a successful football club unless it happens accidentally off the back of the real focus, which is making money off player trading. As I said at the end of the window, I'm all for putting up capital for sketchy investments, but I'd much rather that they were my own! This is my line at the moment, but I've set a calendar alert for March 2024. I'd love to be wrong.
I think this is right @Jay. I have no evidence for it, just a hunch. still don’t think going on twitter is a great idea.
Club owner takes to Twitter to ask a bunch of scum fans to behave better as they’re costing the club money and reputation a bunch of ‘sincere’ fans then attack board, stating fans more important. She was never gonna win (the vandals aren’t reading that post), but we’re not ‘fans’ of the club if we’re choosing to ignore vandalism etc to have a go at the board.
I find it unprofessional and really naive. Social media is not a proportionate representation of the fan base / reality. Yet her response is pretty generalised (or could be perceived to take aim at the fan base as a whole) : so immediately she has got the back up of a few thousand people for the sake of what 20 keyboard warriors. It’s madness. If you’re in a public position it is very wise not to respond in the way she has done. Surely anyone with a bit of intelligence (which I assume she has) must acknowledge this.
Not sure why thousands should have their back up? I agree that I wouldn’t have tweeted that either but she stated it was directed at the people tweeting her and actually has raised the issues to the wider audience that aren’t on Twitter (like me).
Me neither. At best, she's got a few hundred of us scratching our heads and wondering why she bothered to tweet. Politely asking twàts to not behave like twàts. Aye, that should sort it.
My thoughts exactly . The people she's fronting caused the mess. I find it funny how the usual suspects on here are loving everything she says.
Very true ! Telling the fans what they are doing wrong and blaming them. While she sits thousands of miles away fronting people who treat our club like a Dragons Den . The win at Wednesday really as clouded peoples judgements . I would rather her bleat on about the lack of a striker, the stadium that's filthy, food and beverages, why they charged 26 quid to watch us against port vale. Oh and there's the sponsorship debacle, the lack of investment, the abysmal open day. I could go on and on !
Still too many fans like yourself who don’t get the concept of the majority in control of the previous board. How would you have them change any vote as a minority?
They've had a full summer to put their hand in their pockets though. They put 250,000 back in. (Took 750,000 out).
Still not seen anything to suggest that Twitter is anything other than a forum for absolute bell cheeses.
The only thing I have against this side of the argument is that Khaled should have been sacked the moment the ink was dry on the signing of the change of ownership. By not doing this, this suggests that JAQ has been impressed with his tenure so far - despite the list of idiotic decisions by him that are longer than Ron Jeremy's Moneymaker.
Not sure what you mean about an excuse. It's just the reality of the situation, isn't it? I was replying to Super Tyke who said they sat back and let it happen. That can only be true if you have the control to change decisions. They didn't until this summer. JAQ never had any involvement until this summer. The current board members did not even know her investors existed until this last year. What happens from here going forward is down to the new board but it's hard to disagree they have inherited a mess. A large gap in the finances and trying to put together a competitive team to stabilise us in League one. Poor signings like Iseka and Oulare that they needed to offboard. Coming back from the challenges of Covid. Poor matchday experience. Low player esteem off the back of two terrible managerial appointments. There's a lot for them to sort out and it's going to need a bit of patience, especially with limited League one budgets.