What a lad. Quite the day for him and not the result he wanted. It will have been cool for him to talk to the team. It just shows how ridiculous train ticket prices are in the UK.
Fair play to him for highlighting how ridiculous train prices are in this country. I very rarely use trains for long journeys for that reason. You shouldn't have to visit a specific website exactly 3 months, 6 days, 11 hours and 28 seconds before a journey in order to get a price deemed as 'affordable'. There's absolutely no logic for any journey in this country costing over £400 by rail.
I agree and despite having a Veterans Railcard I hardly use it. Quite a stark contrast to European railways. On arrival in Poland last Wednesday we decided not to bother with a hire car. The bus from Wrocław airport to the city centre was about 50p for a 30 minute journey. A short walk to the railway station saw us in time for the IC Express coming through from Berlin to somewhere near the Ukraine border. Our trip to Opole cost 74 zlotys for two first class singles. That’s a journey of about 60 miles for £7.25 each, FIRST CLASS! The comfort was incredible. The train was running on silk. Marvellous experience for such a small cost.
Yes, I had a similar experience in Poland. We got a train from Kraków to Lodz, which is a few hours journey, and it cost us about £6 each. Booked at the ticket office, shortly before the scheduled departure.
Our daughter went from Porto to Lisbon in Portugal recently for next to nothing and said it was like travelling first class. Our rail service is a disgrace. All down to privatisation where profit comes first.
Agreed. We went to see my daughter in Venice earlier this year. Turned up at Venice station without booking to jump on a train to Bologna. Proper bullet train - the style I assume our HS2 would be. Fast, clean, on time, great service ......... £7 each. Distance approx Leeds to Stevenage. I was actually gutted the return was £15. But it's just a little tinpot, corrupt country, right?
We did similar a few years ago; Venice to Belluno on the train. A great day out, scenic rail journey about 2 hours each way, 15 or so Euros return for the both of us.
The only fly in our ointment was that it was running about twenty minutes late but it had travelled from Berlin so perhaps we could excuse that. The comfort and low cost of the reserved seat more than made up for the slight inconvenience.
Got back from my son's last month who lives in Berlin. It was 9 euros for the month to travel anywhere in Germany by bus or train and has been for some time. Its so cheap nobody even checks your ticket. Our fares are obscene.
There's the specific timing issue and my other 'favourite' about chunking up the journey. Couldn't be arsed driving to Ipswich and my mates weren't going so I decided to go by train. Buying three tickets, Donny to Peterborough, Peterborough to Norwich and Norwich to Ipswich was about a quarter of the price of buying one Donny to Ipswich ticket to travel on exactly the same 3 trains. Madness!
Only our densely populated country could have made the railways so bad. Privatisation has been an astounding success. I'm really right wing BTW.