It's like this....Would you like a drink? No I'm OK thank you. Are you sure? It's no bother? No I'm alright ta. It's no bother I'm making myself one anyway. I HAVE SAID NO FFS
Grown ups using terms like “holibobs” “famalam” and “hubster”. It’s no longer possible to be excited about something, you have to be “super excited” Social media speak in general. It’s like a copycat language. “liverpool have dropped their new shirt” Dropped? “Out with this wonderful human being tonight” (were you out with a different species last night??) “If you know, you know” People putting their wordle score on social media. People having a window seat on the plane pulling the visor down. “Stay safe” (just a meaningless throwaway comment) Menus with just a number on. Traditional Fish and Chips 10 Great, I’ll just pay 10 pence then. MPs thinking it's appropriate to use their position of power to live by different rules to the general public.
"Now is not the time to criticise Prince Andrew, he's just lost his mum". Although it may be more than slight. It is current though
The sagging headlining in my car that rests on my head (Holden quality). It's just not annoying enough for me to get off my backside and fix it. Wanting a wee while laying snug in bed. Annoying but not so much that I'll slide from under the doona and go for one. The loss of a proper threaded BBS mode...
So, beginning sentences with ‘so’. Unnecessary body language, wide-eyed gurning and flailing limbs deployed to convey the simplest of facts. TV rolling news, journalists interviewing other journalists who add nothing to the story save to demonstrate their phoney eccentricity and overblown egos. Breakfast news formats and their wretched presenters. Bring back cold, hard news read à la Richard Baker. The terms ‘reaching out’, ‘rolling out’, ‘ramping up’, ‘doubling down’, ‘pushback’ and ‘not a good look’. As observed by others, I also deplore products being ‘dropped’ as opposed to being released/made available. And as for sliding into the DMs meaning anything other than donning a pair of Dockers, I despair!
Americanisms seeping into our language eg......" My Dad would bring me to the park" NO he TOOK you ..took. take ..taken...the use of the word "bring" for past reference does My head in.. Also note to some BBS posters..its centre with re at the end not center. Rant over...
Flakey WiFi and mobile internet connections that drop out at the most dramatic moment possible. When Adam Hammill took the last pen at Fleetwood in the JPT back then, I was watching in Germany on iFollow. The ball hit the bar, and at that instant our internet failed and my picture froze with the ball "stuck" to the underside of the bar. It was several minutes before I found out it had gone in. At least our connection here in Dodworth never dro
Those that don't thank folk for holding the door while they walk through. Two hats Worst feckers . Holmfirth.
drivers who dont indicate. drivers who slow down going through green traffic lights and leave 4\5 vehicle lengths between them and the car in front in a queue. sorry ex artic/chemical tanker driver
I was on a Zoom call the other day. It felt like I was taking part in like, literally the most awesome, like, uptalking competition ever? Like, even people in their 50s were at it?
I think that is because they are cooked wrong! I know what you mean... you get half a large tomato grilled but served when the top is barely soft and warm and the rest is raw and cold. Yuck! Try cutting fresh ripe toms in half top to bottom. Add freshly ground black pepper and salt. Fry or grill skin side exposed to the heat for a couple of minutes then turn over and cook until the seasoned cut side starts to blacken and caramelise. THAT is how to have cooked fresh tomatoes. Alternatively Tinned plum added to the pan after the bacon is cooked is good (if not the healthiest option) I grill my smoked streaky bacon until it is crisp which gets rid of a lot of the fat only to put bread in the same pan to fry it which then soaks up all the unhealthy fat! I tend to like my eggs fried in the bacon fat but my missus (SWMBO) insist on 'pristine' fried eggs so I have to fry them in a separate pan in olive oil! As an aside, We always start our day with coffee but there are two meals in our World that demand Tea. Full English/Scottish/Irish Breakfasts and Fish and Chips. Tea with the Tannins cuts through the grease. Coffee doesn't do it. Italians do not understand the idea of any hot drink being served with food. We only have a full English a couple of times every two to three weeks.