BBS threads with meaningless titles, that tempt you in, then deliver nothing. Those times when you're channel hopping with the tv remote, but just end up landing on one ad break after another. Folk who think music was invented in the 90s. Unfinished bridges.
They're not that type, these have like a best I can describe as a draw with a coin holder in and if you ever manage to get the blasted pound in the hole then you push the draw into the main unit and I presume if you ever get this far then the lock unlocks
Years ago, when the old Barnsley library was refurbished they opened a nice little cafe downstairs. T'was the only place at the time you could get a real cup of espresso so we used to call in on a Saturday morning during the weekly shop. Every time they said.. "you know 'Expresso' is in this small that OK"? Anyway after a few weeks the espresso turned into an espresso cup full to the brim totally ruining what had been authentic Italian experience. I asked what had happened. The reply was that people were complaining that they did not get enough coffee in the small cups. The answer was clearly to simply add more water to the standard measure of ground coffee. My answer was to buy myself a grinder and espresso machine.
Always looks like too much hassle to me, especially when I'm half asleep first thing in the morning. I'll stick with the Spanish version... Instantáneo.
Just liked your post then thought that, if it's someone close to you, you can use whatever term you want if it helps.
enjoying a spot of fine-dining at the Birdwell Mcdonalds recently - 6 police cars entered car park and all reversed into parking spaces - friend in military does the same when he parks - probably advised to do this in case they have to do a quick getaway ??
a) ALWAYS far safer to reverse in and drive out forward with better visibility re approaching vehicles. b) Driving straight out with cold engine also means less wear on engine dues to faster warm up and less fuel burned (albeit minor) as slow manouevering with choke means more fuel burned . But again, especially in winter/wet weather steamed up windows etc . it is safer. Many people also enter their driveway forward and reverse out. Not sure about the legality of that but it was always against the rules to reverse out of a minor into a major road. I suspect if you reversed out and hit a pedestrian/cyclist or vehicle you may well find yourself with more than just an insurance claim to deal with and reversing is always more hazardous especially with a van.
I can imagine that playing out! My dad used to take me in there when i was very young (before the new library and before i was old enough to drink espresso). I guess by adding water they made an Americano? But alas it's not the same. I find it slightly annoying that you can get a quality espresso from a bar in Italy for a euro, and over here they can charge 3 quid. In other news, I'm thinking of getting a Lavazza coffee machine (pods). I had one round my girlfriend's brother's the other week and it was delicious. I used to have a moka pot but no longer have a gas hob and it's not the same on electric. What sort of grinder/espresso machine did you get? I've seen machines with the grinder built in, but not sure how good they are and they cost a few hundred notes..