How much is the funeral gonna cost as well? I've seen figures being chucked about but wondered if anyone on the expert site of the BBS know the cost. Hope the family had insurance to cover it! Bet you could get a thick slice of ham at the after do
Working at home. Am quite partial to a good funeral, so will bob that on telly, with the sound down, of course.
Last time I checked he’d had his name dragged through the mud and accused of allsorts but been convicted of nothing. All that we know as fact was that he was mates with a known sex offender. I’m not saying he’s completely innocent as I’ve no way of actually knowing - but he’s not a criminal, he has no conviction, and he’s mourning his mother. Of course he should be there. I do find it a bit much that he, having been stripped of his titles but having given active service in a time of war, can’t wear military outfits - yet his younger brother, who dropped out of military training after a few months, can wear the full shebang. There we go. I thought the vigil last night was absolutely ridiculous and for the four of them to be made to stand there was cruel.
Just got a mail from my golf club "Dear Dave, As the state funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II is taking place on Monday 19th September, Clandon Regis Golf Club will be closed that day as a mark of respect to the late Queen...." So I wont be playing golf. To be fair I had no intention of doing so and I wouldn't expect the club to be open as some staff will want to watch the funeral. I will probably watch the ceremony but wont be watching all the build up and post ceremony analysis
And you know that is fact based on what exactly? Were you there? As I said above, all we know for actual fact is that he was mates or at least associated with a known offender. He also settled out of court with a woman who up until accepting the money said it wasn’t about money and she’d not be paid off at any price. Until she was. You can speculate all you like about whether this implies guilt. It’s just as easy to conclude that he was advised, possibly even by his mother and her advisors, to settle with her to get it done before any further embarrassment came out in court. The justice system here and in America is flawed but I’m still never going to conclude any person who hadn’t been convicted of a crime is guilty of it based on what I see on tv and in the papers.
No swet , my view of sex offenders and their mates,enablers , fellow perpetrators , is a bit different
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Update: on Saturday his work messaged all staff apologising and said they hadn’t realised that no one else would be working and that they would all get the paid day off.
That's good to hear, bit annoying they waited late on though to tell him. Hope you both enjoy the time off!
Whilst I’m totally supportive of the rule of law and we shouldn’t call someone a ‘criminal’ who hasn’t been convicted. We also have to be grownup’s and realise that the elite will get away with crimes that would see you and I locked up. So pretending people are ‘innocent’ just because they’re not convicted of something is ridiculous. The only reason he’s not been convicted is because he’s the late Queen’s son. He hasn’t paid £12m of our money to a foreign accuser because he’s got a generous spot for victims of sexual abuse. His mum didn’t strip him of his titles because he’d ‘had a bad interview’. They’re both pretty big clues he’s guilty. Which brings us to why has his brother now decided that dragging him back out into the front line? This could be the first hairline crack in the role of our monarchy.
I wonder if we'll get a permanent QE II day bank holiday; aren't they supposed to be looking for an additional one sometime in autumn?
Hmm I agree with you in general. Innocent until proven guilty and all that. However avoiding trial by paying to get out of it is an admission of guilt in my opinion regardless of the legal situation. It's not a lot different to Thomas Hamilton turning the gun on himself after murdering 16 children. He did it to avoid facing trial for what he did but everyone knows he did it. Remember that technically Jimmy Savile is an innocent man. Prince Andrew has an entire team of people employed to know his every move. His diary for his entire life will be documented. If he was at pizza express on the day he said he was, he could prove that in a heartbeat and on top of that every single person who was working at pizza express that day would be able to remember the day a prince came in. I still remember when Neil Austin came into the place I worked nevermind a prince. Not one person has come forward to back up his claims.... In fact the party hosts have stated they don't remember if he was there or not. Beatrice has claimed she went to many parties at pizza express which contradicts daddies claims, and his diary states that he had a manicure whilst Beatrice was at the party. Also as a royal he will have the best healthcare and medical records in the world which would have backed up his bizarre no sweating claim instantly. He chose instead to pay £12m to avoid doing so. The man is guiltier than Chris Morgan's elbow
Think we should get one, always find the stretch between August and Christmas to be lacking of a bank holiday!. In fact, i think we should have a day off for each past monarch's death just to pay respects