This country would be a damn sight worse off without them ,everybody entitled to there opinion but I disagree with you so do millions of others.
The only reason he was removed was because his party wanted him out. If there was a similar system to that of the US where a president can be impeached, it would still have happened when he lost the support of his party.
No problem with the anti royal brigade but bet they secretly wish they or their family were as loved by millions of people in Britain and around the world.
To be honest I actually have great sympathy with how the Royals have to live their lives in the public eye.
So I’m assuming you’d like a send off after you have committed your absolute lifetime working for the country?
Let's put some perspective on this lifetime working for the Country business. Yes she was very dignified for the most part and represented the country well. She also had her private and those of her Family scrutinised by the public and Press. It did however come with huge luxury and privilege. Castles to live in and servants to her biding. Now I appreciate it was the life that was basically thrust upon her and not one she chose. She did aswell as anyone could be expected to do and almost certainly better than most would. However I don't think it's a logical response to anyone questioning the continued subjection of the British people to simply say "ah yes but she devoted her all life to it" I can only speak personally here but my respect for the life the late Queen led is not intrinsically linked to my views on the Monarchy as a system of Governess.
Not sure he would have been removed though. Three US Presidents have been impeached but none convicted. When do politicians ever vote their party out of office?
3 of the last 5 Tory PMs have been forced out.. Only Cameron decided to walk & Major was soundly beaten by Blair. Heath resigned leadership in 74, after failing to form a government.
The government have closed down for 2 weeks at a time when they definitely should not be closed down.
Well I didn't expect my original post to end up like this. Like the rest of the country, we watched with immense pride at our armed forces and the way they conducted themselves this passed week. Made all the more special knowing that someone we know and love had been chosen to take part. Whatever gripe you have with the monarchy or the government, it has nothing to do with those proud lads and lasses that took part in one of the most spectacular ceremonies I've ever witnessed. So to the haters that jumped on this post having a go at the cost of it all, have a day off. The post was to show the pride we felt that one of our own was taking part. If your a royalist or a republican, today was not the day for petty squabbles or point scoring. But to sit back in pride at what this country can produce and show the rest of the world how its done
But if you want to have a head of state who is not divisive then you can't have political parties nominating candidates, especially in the current polarised political landscape. That's the huge problem with an elected head of state. You may as well not have one as they'd likely just exacerbate the problem. I'm really undecided on this but I'm struggling to find a better alternative to someone like QEII who, at least, was a unifying influence.
I never said they should be not divisive. The point is, if the monarchy has no power anyway, will never stop any laws etc. which they shouldn't, being unelected (lets ignore all the times they've changed laws for their own benefit) - the PM has all the power anyway, so what difference does it make. At least the head of state would be someone the public voted for. Hell, could even put Charlie and/or his descendants on the ballot paper. at least they'd then be chosen by the people. Aye, but she's dead and Charlie is far less unifying.
Exactly. Yes, PMs have been forced out but they’re not Heads of State, that’s the difference. It doesn’t lead to a loss of power for the party. And it would be difficult to think of a better Head of State in recent times than Queen Elizabeth