All I can say is I heard it mentioned at a NUM Branch meeting and it was said it wasn’t an isolated case. I’m not going to trawl through archives, but I’m surprised there are miners who’d never heard it. That and Agent Provocateurs were often talked about in my circles
No, I take it back, its been a relatively grown up debate with a few handbags but nothing deserving of spitting dummies out, I would rather debate than see myself as a grown man insulting someone else because we disagree or have a different mindset, no sarcasm from me, I genuinely liked your post
Is this a simple question or are you waiting for me to say " No i dont" before I get " yes but" ? No I dont
Ok, thanks for that. BTW, I genuinely am debating with you not not wanting/ looking for a slanging match
I do consider them a intelligent agency full of computer buffs, handlers etc etc who pass on information to the relevant people but are they military, No they're not
I for one can’t help but feel an immense sense of pride in all our Armed Forces today. Especially those 8 young Grenadier Guards carrying the coffin. A moment in history and time for reflection. GSTQ….LLTK
They are just waiting for the last dregs of the ‘then’ establishment to die then they will. Can’t say I believe the stories about military involvement in the miners strike. Security services and MET seems proven the services links seem to fall more into the conspiracy theory bracket but as you say the sooner it’s cleared up the better.
I agree, its something that would have been impossible to hush up, especially after nearly 40 years, I'm going around in circles here but a serviceman would definitley have come forward by now, through guilt, money or for the sake of it, let's hope they meet there maker sooner rather than later and have an enquiry, for me it's to stop the sour taste many have for the army and give the miners and families answers
I’m always impressed by how well the bands can march and play music at the same time but the drummers beating the walking rhythm so perfectly, so loudly for so long were to be admired. They must have arm muscles like my leg muscles.
I knew quite a few military who were serving in 1984 and a few cops. I've never heard a shred of evidence from anybody that the military were involved in the strike. If you look at the Ripley report the government spent 5 years beefing up the police in anticipation of the strike. the military wouldn't have been a good fit in so far as different tactics/training/Comms and command structures. As above, that many military personnel have written books, feel sure we'd have heard if it happened.
I got what the op meant about perhaps the armed forces not being the same universal source of affection as nurses. I think in general people in the public services have had a raw deal over the last decade. I also think it's ridiculous to have nurses do a degree and then saddle them with debt. However, can't run a true comparison with the armed forces who are asked to spend months away from loved ones and who ultimately may be asked to lay down their lives in service if their country. I wonder if that is why nurses in the army seem to be better paid than civilian ones. I also think the Tories in austerity times whipped up the politics of envy about cushy jobs, gold plated pensions etc. Remember that when saying one set of public servants are worth more than another. One set getting more shouldn't exclude another set getting more. Strange how nurses, army, police etc are all facing a recruitment crisis
I like your posts PT but a bit thrown by that last comment. Genuine question. Both my brothers served in the Army and both were invalided out (after a lot of years). They were (and are) scathing about the “God and Queen and Country types” and I mean scathing. They always tell me that when on active service the only thing that matters is your mates; the bloke on the right of you and the bloke on the left. They would make ‘the ultimate sacrifice’ for them but not for some notion of G&Q&C. Are they out of step?