What a ******* joke. A kick in the face for the average man and woman in this country. I think they’ve just handed Labour the next election on a plate.
People will turn a blind eye until the **** hits the fan at home, which is a matter of weeks away when the weather turns and energy price increases hit.
As far as i can make out he's looking after the RICH again, this shower of #### get worse - if that's possible!!!
exactly. The last election was fought on one policy. These set of idiots have been left to feather their own nests unchecked to the detriment of all those they convinced to lend them a vote.
It's a tax cut for everyone is it not? What's the alternative? Tax the rich dry because that will work won't it
That`s right.All thet have to do nearer the next election is trot out the "send the beggars back" line & they`ll get back in ,it`s that simple.
Really dont know where to start with this. Its going to be a financial disaster for the country. Those of us who are ancient remember just how well these 1970's policies worked Your occasional reminder that you need to be either very rich or very stupid to vote Tory to find out which check your bank statement There is also a really good joke about trickle down economics doing the rounds on twitter - I would share it but 99% of you wont get it
I've said before on here . If the argument against brexit had been louder and more positive towards the people who were planning on leaving the EU we wouldn't have left. Simply calling people racist scum for wanting to see reform in our immigration, just added fuel to the fire . I've never had a decent chat with a remainer, that did not turn into a frothing and gibberish rant from them
Now, that's not nice Titus . Let's tax Amazon and all these big corporate companies eh ! We are the ones who made them billions by buying their sh!te . I bet there's not one person on here that's not bought anything from them
That's just too defeatist old boy . If that was the case, I can now see why the remainers did so little !
It’s even worse than that though. The country elected this government under a completely different manifesto to what is being rolled out from today. It’s completely undemocratic as well as lunatic economics.
i won’t bore you as no one has ever actually changed anyones mind on here but the information was there. Some people didn’t like brown people and here we are. Poorer with less opportunities but remarkably still engaged in the same immigration discussion your pathetic Brexit was meant to stop. ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated.
I agree but the last manifesto could have included killing all first borns and they would have still got in on the Brexit ticket. Utter lunacy
As long as I get to 65 and still be able to move to that caravan park in Benidorm, Im not that worried to be honest . House is worth 3 times what I paid for it and it's mortgage free next year .