unfortunately with Patel and now Braverman at the home office it probably isn’t too far from the truth
The BBC have just interviewed a business man about the 5% tax cut for the richest 1% asking if trickle down economics works , he said he hopes so ……. They were in a food bank !!! You couldn’t make it up
I normally steer clear of political threads because I get confused by it all quite quickly. But I've read that the stamp duty threshold is being raised to £250,000 with immediate effect. I'm due to complete on a house purchase 2 weeks today, does that mean I'm going to avoid paying stamp duty, or am I too far along the process? I'm buying a house for more than the current threshold, but less than the new one.
Rounding off her response, Ms Reeves said: "The Conservatives can't solve the cost of living crisis, the Conservatives ARE the cost of living crisis."
Now that's not fair fonzie lad . I had tickets to see her at Leed's arena early this year and she cancelled two hours before !! Still not calmed down
Binning the top tax code for those earning over £150k? Yep, that’s a priority. Cutting personal taxes by £45billion, and god knows how much else in stamp duty and corp tax, when the country’s services are on their arse and need help? Yeah, that too. I love how they reduce all income tax and NI to dress it up as beneficial to all. Not much benefit when it’ll probably take a month to see a gp - by which time your cancer has spread uncontrollably, they start issuing only crime reference numbers for attacks or assaults like they have to for burglaries as they have no police resource, or when your house has burnt down waiting for the fire service to come. Typical Tory. Feather the beds of their paymasters and the worst off suffer most. Putting the Con in Conservative since 1834. Instead of doing that, why not do something revolutionary like get all the utilities and transport publicly owned, making it so profit isn’t a factor in getting clean water, the lights to stay on and being able to get to work? Just a thought.
I'm alright jack? First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Not sure, she's only got to show a reasonable amount of competence and the Tories win again hands down. No way is the current Labour leader a plausible PM unfortunately.
Without a full overhaul of the income tax system it always favours people earning more. I note none of the opposition parties have any good fresh ideas. Labour would put taxes up as they normally do so that wouldn't help the cost of living situation. I would have liked something in place forbthe basic level of income tax rate based on your earnings. So for example If you earn £20,000 per year you would pay 14p in the pound over the allowance amount of whatever it is currently approx 12.5k. This is for the basic rate. If you earn £30,000 per year then 16p over the allowance. £40,000 per year then 18p over allowance. £50,000 per year then 20p over allowance. Then any earnings between 50k and 70k are taxed at 30p.. Anything over 70k then 40p. Doing this allows you to target say the poorer because you set the basic rate on your overall earnings accordingly. Thoughts?
Nope. The fact that they are in power now, after everything we’ve seen and heard, means you have far too much faith in the electorate of this country. Cutting taxes across the board will mean there’s enough selfish greedy ******** out there to vote for the cretinous fuckers.
Labour lovers are waiting for Jeremy to come wheeling across Westminster bridge on his eco bike . Labour are a waste of time
The Remain camp did plenty; they pointed out every lie, what happened next? They were called defeatist, unpatriotic, Remoaners etc. wilfully ignored, Project Fear etc. If you were too stubborn to listen when we told you how the shi tshow would pan out, you can’t blame us when it’s proved we were right. What were we supposed to do? Physically stop you voting? Of course we’re frustrated! None of this is a surprise, we knew exactly what would happen. If I had a quid for every time I pointed out what would happen to the fishing industry to a Brexiteer, I could afford a small trawler, though fu cknows what I’d do with it.
Bankrupting our kids, grandkids and great grandkids so they can try and cling onto power, that is what this is all about, in fact what the Tories are all about: power....
Out of touch !!!! I'm just not a raving socialist that thinks the world should be some kind of perfect utopia . I graft hard pal for what I have got, which is not much! If people are not up for working for what they want , then so be !
They’re worldwide problems hitting the citizens of this country worse than most, partly caused by Brexit, made worse by the crooks in government. How do our fuel increases compare to France? What about inflation? Currency? Not Brexit? Pull the other one.
I hope your pension is going to be upwards of £30k per year otherwise you aren't retiring to Spain... just to meet the income requirements for a retirement visa. Or you are limited to staying for 180 days per year.