So you’re happy to graft hard and not have much, while those who don’t graft but make millions off your labour get increasingly richer? I’m not surprised you don’t like socialists, you’re too keen to make ‘your better’s’ life easier.
Whereas I think they’ve done the opposite. They’re doing what they’ve always done. They’re getting the people on board that they need, to win the GE. All they need is enough, and fk the rest. I absolutely despise Tory politics, and the people who endorse it.
It’s nothing to do with people not being ‘up for hard graft’ you’ve just supported what I said about being out of touch with that sentence alone. The world is some kind of perfect Utopia for those that are getting richer on the backs of those that are getting poorer. Many people are working full time and still struggling to keep their heads above water. That’s where your ignorance comes into play. Remember Capitalism can’t exist without a constant supply of cheap Labour
Given that the £ fell by 1.76% against the $ so far today, it looks like our fuels bills are going up another 2-3% just because of this budget.
I know perfectly well about struggling pal I've put three kids through Queen Elizabeth's Grammar school ! At one point I was working 6 days a week
Go on then , I posted the other week official figures showing that many EU countries and others around the world were in a poorer condition. Show me the official figures of of European countries.. Oh no you can't because your blame on brexit doesn't hold water.
You seem to be putting all Labour voters and members into one group there... if you have a proper look you will see Labour is under new leadership and we aren't the party we were 3 years ago. Polling reflects that.
You can’t even post the official forecast for the U.K. economy, because for the first time in history, our chancellor refuses to release it. There’s no need for your anger, you might find a couple of instances of selected measures in other countries being bad, but on the questions I just asked you, you know the answer, you know as well as I do that other countries are giving better help with fuel prices, you also know that the £ is tanking. And you know the £ is tanking because of Brexit, compounded by this government. If you don’t want to accept that, it’s not my problem to solve. Back to my earlier response re the Brexit vote, if you’re happy to ignore the evidence of your own eyes, there’s nowt I can do to help.
The problem with 99% of Tory MPs do not consider themselves as average, every day people, they are by and large from very wealthy backgrounds and as a consequence of this they are completely ignorant of and shielded from real life, the very sad part of all this is we, the great unwashed, know this, we are aware that the Tory party is built upon foundations of discrepancies and elitism, but, again and again the working woman/man chooses to ignore this devil take the hind most philosophy and keep them in power. We can all easily point the finger at the media, of all types, and say its rigged in the Tories favour, but, until we collectively stand up and really take these scumbags to task, then unfortunately we will suffer for years and years. My own belief is that, apathy, indifference and lack of desire will see us suffering the status quo.
I'm just about to exchange and complete on a new house, so it looks like I'll benefit from the stamp duty cut. But... I'd much rather pay that, and I'd happily pay an extra penny or two in the pound on income tax, if it meant that we could have a functioning healthcare system, as well as public transport, energy and utilities that work for us. That bit of stamp duty is no good to me when I fall ill and can't see a doctor. Not sure what is so controversial about wanting to make the tax burden affordable, i.e. making the wealthier pay their fare share.
Exactly We’ll be marginally ‘better off’ from the budget, energy prices aren’t a concern for us personally, but I’d much rather be paying higher taxes to protect the most vulnerable in society than to have to choose which charities will benefit from my benevolence from our ‘luck’.
The next general election is probably going to be one of the most important in our lifetimes. I dread to think what this lot will do if they get emboldened by a win
The number of people they’ve just bribed aren’t enough to increase their vote, even ignoring the majority of them were gonna vote Tory anyway. This isn’t about buying votes, it’s simply about appealing to their base. Just look on here, their supporters who are worse off even after this budget will still defend the ‘logic’ of this budget. They’ll defend the ‘logic’ that giving loads more money to the rich doesn’t cause inflation but allowing ordinary workers a wage rise that comes close to inflation is somehow ‘inflationary’. And they’ll also ignore the fact that these tax cuts are unfunded (meaning our kids and grandkids will pay for them), and still claim that the economy is safer under the Tories.