Agree, I lived in central London until very recently which is the centre of wealth in this country, the 'liberal elite' as they're called. These are all strong Labour areas where people are wealthy but realise they don't want or need tax cuts, they want a country and government to be proud of that does the right thing and cares for its citizens to the best of its abilities. Of course there are wealthy Tory voters who'll be dancing for joy, but this is a pretty small section of society. Everyone else is either pissed off or thick like Mick.
You’ve not got much despite grafting hard during the past 12 years? Maybe that should be a clue that the current system isn’t working.
Brace yourself because the racists in Red Wall are in full voice , blaming labour for this **** up of a Brexit deal who won’t let the Tories get on with it and stop the nasty Brown people coming over . All this while they complaining they can’t see a doctor even though queuing up on their mobility scooters , it’s all the doctors fault according to them and although they shouldn’t have got rid of Boris Labour would make it worse . This is a popular opinion by the red wall blue rinse brigade . I can’t fekin speik
Who is it wisest to ask? Your conveyancer, who knows all the nuances of your transaction, or someone/everyone on here?
I think it’s because deep down this a conservative country - that’s conservative with a small ‘c’ Dictionary definition of ‘conservative’: 1.Tending to emphasises the importance of preserving traditional cultural and religious values 2. Not usually liking or trusting change, especially sudden The Conservative Party simply plays on that – emphasising a mythical past, reinforcing a sense of cultural superiority, and a commitment to protecting the country from those dastardly foreigners. And, they play on the fear of change. What would Labour do? They’d make things worse! Best to stay with what you know whatever the outcome….
Slightly more complex than that. Thatcher stole the American idea of ‘aspiration’ which is to get the almost well off to believe that they ‘could’ be rich. So defying logic they will fight for the right for the super rich to keep their money, because it might mean that one day they get to keep more of theirs. Watching this fraud of a prime minister stating with a straight face she’s in favour of people paying low taxes, when almost every single member of this board is now paying more in tax than they ever have makes my blood boil. She knows she’s lying, she knows we know she’s lying, but it doesn’t matter. Working class Tories are literally being scammed, but they’re happy to be so, because the other lot are ‘worse’.
I work for myself pal . I've done tons of jobs . From armed teaching When I say I haven't got much I mean I don't own flash cars, go on holiday to exotic places or walk around dripping with gold chains etc. I've just seen a report on Chanel 5 news . They were asking what the tax cut means to them. One woman and one man said it was not fair that the rich pay less . Then they both said they were out of work . Now, this is a fact ! The out of work people are not struggling financially because benefits there are ample benefits to help them . They may have to reign in their spending on certain items . My wife deals with this daily while working for BMBC family centres She hands out food parcels and vouchers. It all goes to the wrong people . There's plenty of things the tories are doing for low incomes . I'm no Tory by any stretch of the imagination by the way .
I have to say part of me it’s enjoying this. The pillocks that voted for Brexit and the tories need to be shown this is what happens.
Add on lockdown and you've got the holy stupid Trinity of economic suicide. But I don't know why people are now so bothered, what does the economy matter when we were SaViNg LiVeS and GetTiNg BrExiT DoNe? Oh yes, I forgot. People are going to die because of these decisions.
Watch this video, even they aren’t pretending that they care about the poor anymore, you don’t need to argue something for them when they’re perfectly happy to just tell people the truth of the matter.
Funny how the cost of living crisis is suddenly worldwide whereas the (worldwide) banking collapse was all Gordon Brown's fault. Theres none so blind...
Maybe I am right wing then . I'm for everyone who are willing to better themselves and build their own wealth and not rely on benefits if they can . I'm taking on an female apprentice next week. I'm paying them more than I should do. I pay plenty of tax, I spend my money locally not on things like Amazon etc . I have a lad in the Army who's currently training Ukrainian soldiers, I have a lad who's autistic and a lad who's just started senior school . I work for my family, I've done many jobs to better myself . If that makes me right wing then so be it ! Oh by the way, I voted remain !
Average house price in 1980 was £19,273 (66k today) against an average wage of £5,720 (£19.8k today). That's a house price of roughly 3:1. Average house price today is £286k. Average wage is £29,600. That's nearly 10:1. Those born after the war and Boomers were born lucky.