Are these on top of the three you've put through QEGS? You can't tell the truth to save your life. Poor WUM.
Who said banking collapse was Browns fault? He was quite instrumental in sorting the recovery wasn't he? But yes, the cost of living crisis is global not just the UK.
Exactly , most peoples wealth is in their property which has nothing to do with how hard you’ve worked
Of course I was pillocking about QUEGS . I wouldn't send them there . It's rougher than Tarzan's feet
I said something similar on Twitter. I've personally done well out of today. *But* I would much rather pay more and get a doctors appointment within 48 hours, fewer food banks and homeless people, and the elderly not going cold over the winter than put it in a savings account until I've got enough for the next home improvement job or holiday.
She’s just admitted that the last twelve years of Tory Government has been a failure and needs something drastic to change the shitshow . It’s as if they think they’ve haven’t t been part of the mismanagement and it’s a new Party that’s taken over ! As Reeves says they are like two excited kids in a casino in vegas snd it doesn’t matter if they lose , which it probably doesn’t to them to be fair because they’ll have enriched all the people that matter to them before the **** hits the fan. They don’t even try to hide the the corruption and plundering because they have the race cards to play when the going gets a bit close and the fools will follow .
Apologies if someone has already responded but stamp duty becomes due as on the date of legal completion. You shouldn’t need to pay if your purchase price is below £250k therefore . Nice one
I’m really not; I’m an utter gent. But like all right thinking people, I have an issue with antisocial behaviour. And making up bollöx, instead of being honest is antisocial. And for that you no longer deserve to be read.
A middle aged bloke frequently trying to wind others up on the internet, and you're mocking someone that they're hard? This was a thread about people struggling, this area isn't the most cash rich and people are stressed out about it, and you're taking the piss out of those people. **** off somewhere else.
You sound a right melt ! Bet your one of those blokes who moan about kids playing outside your house.Do you still live with mummy ? is this you ?
My last word on this… This is what happens when a cünt gets called a cünt. They lash out. You’ve seen the mirror fella, you’re now seeing what we all saw. See ya
You think you're being hilarious but you're not the brightest are you? First off, you draw attention to the fact a few weeks back that you suspect people on here have been leaving bad reviews of your business (even though nobody knew what it was called ). If you're going to troll a BBS, not the brightest to use your real name though. Secondly, you then continue to wind others up on here regardless, earlier today joking about your dodgy tax returns and the genius you are goes and posts a link from TikTok (how old are you by the way, 12?) with Woodhouse Bespoke Joinery in the top left corner and a picture of your van. Total genius. Hats off to you. Good luck with that...