Yes but that's the point. Brown acted decisively and was acknowledged internationally for making the best of a bad job. But at home he was blamed and derided. But Labour...
Agreed there are millions of us who didn’t vote for this sh?t show who suffer just as much as those who did
people need to learn the consequences of their actions. If they vote a certain way principally because they are racists they deserve all they get. If our democracy and those of us that oppose that aren’t strong enough to resist it then we deserve it too.
my view after the last election was let it all burn. I’m unsurprised by how quickly it has done so. But the majority of those who voted wanted it so we deserve whatever is coming.
I know I'm 3 pages late, but I think the LAST general election was the most important one in our lifetime. Anything that comes in the future will just seek to minimise the damage done in this parliament, and whoever is in power it will take another generation at least just to mitigate the damage done.
Exactly, even from a purely selfish point of view, none of this is a benefit unless you’re mega rich. And we could do with the media not reporting on benefits purely on pounds and pence as well. I could be earning double what I’m on now, and save even more in tax. If I have a medical emergency, it’s still 999 I’m dialling. Health insurance companies aren’t going to come to your rescue in those situations. Maybe some tories might want to think about how vulnerable they actually could be when they come to vote next time.
Yep cause us being in charge of immigration is working out really well (not that we weren't in charge of it before the Tories just claimed we weren't) record numbers have crossed the channel since brexit
if i was a cynic i’d say that they’re doing as awful job as possible and they will be out quickly and Boris will be ushered back in.
I posted up detailed figures not just selected. But you just keep believing what you are fed by the media. Just explain to me how Brexit caused the worldwide fuel crisis again? Look at the real figures yourself. Lets start with inflation shall we. UK recorded at 9.9% in last measurement period at Aug 22. Down from previous period of 10.1% EU average recorded at 10.1% in last measurement period at Aug 22. Up from previous period of 9.8% I'm certainly not disputing that other countries are doing things differently in terms of the package to help people, but sorry that's **** all to do with Brexit. That's a different thing altogether, for starters it's baffling as to why the PM refused to consider a windfall tax on the Energy Co's excess profits. Abolishing the higher tax band another not really helping those in greatest need. But again that's not driven by Brexit is my point. If it had been my decision on how to tackle things :- First thing I would have done is as per my previous post is to introduce a fresh approach to income tax, starting with the variable basic rate you pay driven by annual earnings. That way it benefits those in greatest need and you can flex the rates for targeted areas. Universal free school meals re-introduced for primary schools to ensure all children get the opportunity to have at least one decent hot meal a day. Reverse the 1.5% NI increase for anyone on basic rate tax and add 0.5% to higher rate earners Annual Windfall tax on the enegy co's but a measured one which does allows companies to make a modest profit and also invest in infrastructure. So no silly excess profits, it has to be fair. One-off immediate £300 hardship payment to anyone with annual earnings under £25k Scrap VAT on domestic energy bills on the Main residence only. Possible temporary reduction in petrol duty (10 to 15p) until the situation calms down in Ukraine and the economy picks up ... (Not 100% sure on this one though).
Yeah, it’s a sad state of affairs. Labour now under Tory leadership. Anyone vaguely socialist is suspended or expelled for ‘antisemitism’, including Jewish socialists. See the leaks obtained by Al Jazeera just this week. The Labour Party is now a pro-capital, pro-Zionist ‘safe’ alternative to the Tories.
You don’t pay stamp duty until the day you complete, so you won’t have to pay. It’s going to save me £2,500, so we’ll done Kwasi. It’s scandalous that there’s a tax on buying a home at all.
It took me a couple of minutes to figure out this thread as I have certain posters (very few may I add) on "ignore". But it didn't take long to figure out who had been causing the rumpus. What an utter numpty he is.
If you’re gonna be an idiot there’s no point in engaging is there? no one has suggested Brexit caused the fuel crisis. But Britain doesn’t have a ‘fuel crisis’, compared to our neighbours we use very little Russian gas. We (the nation) are paying more due to the sinking pound (largely caused by Brexit). And exacerbated by our incompetent government which refuses to: Tax the fuel companies on their excess profit Take the infrastructure back into state control Invest in renewables And we all know why we have this particularly bad government, don’t we? Because they were elected on the promise of ‘get Brexit done’. Now; you can ignore those facts if you like, not my problem And you can’t fix the country’s problems by messing w income tax. The economy is on its arsè because we’ve just torn up the biggest trade deal the country has ever had.
3 people gave me the answer within a few hours of me asking. If I'd emailed my solicitor, I'd still be waiting now, that's for sure.
They have a plan;- Become so unpopular that Labour get a working majority at the next general election thus avoiding a progressive alliance which might push for electoral reform (Proportional Representation). Return to power 5 years later under our outdated system which is rigged in their favour and rule for the next decade or so. Sadly it might work.
Yes the worldwide lockdowns caused the surge in demand for Gas when the economies opened back up. It's possible this was one of the reasons Putin felt emboldened to invade Ukraine. This obviously made things a lot worse. Back on these shores we have to face the consequences with incompetent Tory Governments and the fall out from Brexit.