Just put the TV on and caught the BBC interviewing Ed Davey. Can't say I was shocked at how strongly they were defending the Tory policies as usual. The BBC is one dangerous fēçking organisation. Needs defunding immediately.
I said in a previous post the the Tories have a plan to avoid electoral reform by handing Labour a majority, it's working. https://www.theguardian.com/politic...-changes-to-first-past-the-post-voting-system
I think every time this thread gets bumped, his arse twitches a little. Seems to have gone very quiet....
Can anyone explain to me how this tax cutting budget for the minority and promises of a further tax cutting budget come April will work short term (which is the period that is so critical for most of the population)? Furthermore, where is the plan for funding further investment in the NHS, transport infrastructure, education Social Welfare so desperately needed, given in the short term tax revenues will be much lower? Are they going to chant the usual mantra i.e. 'any increased funding must come from 'efficiency savings')? There has been no mention, as far as I am aware, of that critical element of managing the country's finances.
Hang on a minute…. Has someone who supports Brexit just said “we have to work together not create division” I have no words.
Sounds like the BoE are having to make a statement today after the £ plummeted following the budget. We're a shambles.
Its almost as if continuing to spend money by borrowing more money at the same time as cutting taxes is a bad move. This following two years of printing money makes it all the more courageous as policy goes.
I see the Gilts market is diving now, a sure sign that investors expect the UK economy to be in recession for at least 2 years. Labour is going to inherit some serious s**t....
"Investors seem inclined to regard the UK Conservative Party as a doomsday cult.” Paul Donovan, chief economist of UBS Global Wealth Management.
Don't see how Dodgy Back Tyke and Farnham_Red can like that. Jonathon Pye usually uses satire to slightly exaggerate a situation and generate some humour. Unfortunately, this time, every word he uttered is true and is no laughing matter. The final point about the 100% U-turn without any mandate is the most damning part IMO. It is high time that manifestos during GE campaigns become binding. It is reasonable that unforeseen international and domestic situations during a multi year term in office may well require some tweaks in policy direction . However, what we have here is a complete paradigm shift in ideology with total contempt being shown to the electorate by the PM and Chancellor. Even half the Conservative MPs are uneasy and seem not to be fully onboard. This means half the constituencies who voted Conservative have an MP who in effect can no longer represent the people who voted for them. Add to that those constituencies that did not vote for them at the GE then they really do not have a mandate.
What am I supposed to do - Satire is dead whilst this gang of crooks are in charge - how can Pie exaggerate the total **** show we had with the "mini budget" Doesnt mean I cant like his rant for being completely true
Some Mortgage lenders stopping offering to new customers. Bank of England talking of increasing interest rates further. Just another week in ToryLand.
I think you misconstrued my post. The idea of 'liking' his depressingly accurate rant as a satirical piece is fine but I was simply trying to light heartedly point out it was at odds with 'liking' the facts he stated in his rant.