I know the song mate and understood your post, I've had to listen the whole bloody lot on repeat since last friday.....
Not sure - all I could think was that it was a pub my Mum would have loved, and then instantly hated.
Very impressive pub. Just a shame it has gone down that route. Nothing against drag acts as such but the songs were beyond seedy for a cheap laugh. Saw some women coming out looking unimpressed. Shame as I’s have liked to see what the upstairs room looked like.
More importantly did you get to see the mens bogs? Most impressive ones I have seen all marble - they used to do tours for the ladies to see them or the more bold would just walk in to have a look. The upstairs rooms not a lot different to the rooms downstairs if you turned right at the bar IIRC but I hardly went in them
I've not finished it. Got about 4/5ths of the way through then had to stop, relentless misery. I believe it's not a happy ending either.
I read it over a year ago on a trip around Scotland but I can't remember the end. As I am sure you are aware, it was based on the authors experiences.