Bit more about it here... What a shame as it's a really good place.
It’s for sale with CBRE and is part of some 30 other pubs …. some freehold and some leasehold. There’s an article in the Star today
Shame, It’s the first stop when I Go in Tarn drinking. Despite what reservations/opinions some may have about it, I never had a problem or felt uncomfortable in there.
Yes did you see the numpty in charge demanding free trade with Europe when he got the Brexit he wanted only not that Brexit
I have mixed feelings about Wetherspoons, on the one hand they (generally) have a decent selection of beers and bottomless coffee all at good prices, on the other hand their staff are treated poorly. A couple of years ago I decided to boycott them after Tim Martin pushed for Brexit then complained he had a shortage of staff. I occasionally go in, not least because as a CAMRA member I get 50p off an already cheap pint. I'm conflicted....
The current Mrs DR will not put a foot inside a Wetherspoons. I meet old colleagues once a month in one of their pubs in Reading. I spend my 50p CAMRA vouchers there.
I will never set foot in a Wetherspoons whilst ever Tim Martin is in charge due to his brexit stance & the way he treated staff during the pandemic. If it goes completely Nelly up, I would only be concerned about the staff & hope other work would be available for them in the sector. For me, TM can get stuffed
I've never got the 'Spoons thing. Admittedly I've only been in two or three but they've been uniformly awful with no atmosphere other than the whiff of alcoholic desperation and the one meal I had was unquestionably the worst pub meal I've ever eaten. Would folk drink in a coal cellar if the booze was cheap?
Can't criticise you there mate, the man is a complete rectum. Personally I much prefer either a traditional British pub or one of the new micropubs with interesting beers on offer to any Wetherspoon. Unfortunately, in Swadlincote there are neither of those...
I’ve boycotted since then (and we used to go regularly) and only been in once since as I was with a group who really wanted to go in so I just had a water. It’s typical because we waited years for one to open in Headingley (even filled in the consultation favourably when everyone else was submitting complaints) and now it’s open and we’ll never step foot in it.
I get everyone's angst against Tim Martin, I fully disagree with his political viewpoint. But whilst not frequenting many Spoons as most of them in my locale are a shītole, I wouldn't boycott them over his views. Out of interest are all those irked by Tim Martin aware and happy with the political stance of the owners of every other pub you drink in? Perhaps Tim Martin just does himself a disservice cos he's the gobbiest owner in pubdom.
If you boycotted a place simply because the owner has a different view to yourself on a topic, you would have nowhere to go.
You're absolutely right, most pubs are owned by PubCos who in all probability make donations to the Tory party, however, they are less outspoken and so don't attract attention to themselves. And didn't go out of their way to get ordinary people to vote against their own interests, then have the brass neck to moan like hell when it turned round and bit them on their backside. On the subject of Tory donations, if it matters to you, don't shop at Asda, Morrisons, Waitrose or Sainsburys, they all donate, the only major supermarket that doesn't is Tesco. Other smaller ones like the Coop don't and (as far as I know) neither do Aldi or Lidl.
Forgetting the politics of it all, if in Whitby or Harrogate you’ll not be disappointed by the Spoons in both as very impressive …. not cheap mind !
Bit simplistic there Dreamy There isnt much I boycot but there are times when its more than just the view of the Owners For example I used to use P&O ferries - since they fired all their longstanding staff and replaced them with cheap agency workers I will never use them again. I will also never buy a Dyson again after he campaigned hard for us to leave the EU then promptly moved all his production to Singapore ( fortunately there are better value competative products) I have a soft boycott of Weatherspoons - partly because the owner is **** and partly because even a pint in there gives me a massive migraine the next day ( for some reason I find fresh beer is fine but beer that has been on the go a bit triggers migraines and I guess Spoons get beer in bulk and some of it has been around a bit before its served) - Also the way he treats his staff is more significant than his political views I will go in a Weatherspoons if its all thats available but its always my last choice