I think there’s a vegetarian type in market kitchen and I’m sure most of the vendors have a vegan option .
It reminds me of one of the Mock the week things, where it was suggestions for... 'The worst things to say at a dinner party.' And Frankie Boyle stepped forward and said "There is a vegetarian option, you can simply f*k off if you don't like it!."
And yet if the dead carcass on the plate is slightly lukewarm, or the 'steak' has been brutalised in the pan when the request was for medium/rare, the meat eaters are the first to complain
I feel bad for the vegetables. Do you realise the number of potatoes I had to kill to make those chips?
I was in a pub near Filey many moons ago when the only veg option was the Sunday roast dinner but without the meat, just got an extra Yorkshire and no gravy either.
Btw he/Boyle also went on to say summat along the lines of... "I hope none of you vegetarians have any nut allergies, because I like to get mine out and play with them on the table!."