Could you please ask the club to confirm if they are taking a cut of Barnsley FC fans' betting losses with SkyBet? If they are taking the money, are they giving it to charity/local causes or keeping it for the running of the club? Thanks in advance.
And will they be doing what Andy Holt did in showing proof of the number or will they just tell us something and we have to believe it?
Wow. So clubs are encouraged to get fans to sign up to skybet through affiliate links and then receive a percentage of the losses. Thats crazy
Personally I hope they are keeping it, we need all the money we can get. If people are stupd enough to throw their money away then they can't then complain about who benefits.
Clubs making money out of gambling losses... I've never been in favour of sports clubs or bodies being financed by gambling.
Is it a case of taking a cut of a Barnsley fans losses. Or a cut of Skybets profits. I'd have genuinely thought the latter. Nothing is taken from the punter in my view/head. Do Barnsley fc openly encourage fans to use that particular gambling site. (Or any other for that matter) ? That, I would find distasteful. But wouldn't get into bed over it. Don't often gamble. Grand national and lottery about as much as it goes.
Didn't their chairman/owner/whatever say he wasn't aware that it was happening, or how, or something along those lines? Wonder if it's similar for many clubs. I assume we are doing the same considering, apparently, nearly every EFL club were doing it. It's a shame things like this happen, but I suppose when only 9% of the monetary funds trickle down to ALL league clubs outside the premier league, meaning the ones inthe premier league got 91%, clubs will do all they can to get some more revenue. It's very morally bankrupt though. On one hand, I would like us to take money out - less money for leeches like Sky bet. On the other hand, as I say, definitely a question of morality in regards to addiction. I don't believe we have any sponsors or affiliates encouraging gambling so I am very split. Let's be honest, if clubs stop taking the money, it's not like Skybet would do anything other than just keep it themselves.