Russians getting blamed but does it make much sense for them to impact one source of income that hasn't been sanctioned because of Europe's usage especially Germany. US would have something to gain though to further cripple Russias economy. Trouble is if it was the US they are also damaging the lives of their own allies. Plus if it did turn out to be the US they would have crossed the line in taking a direct role in the war. This is going to get very interesting as the consensus atm does seem to be that it is a deliberate act by someone.
Whilst there is gas in it, there’s no gas actually flowing through it, as the supply has been halted for months - and unlikely to come back online. Makes no sense for any Western country to do it. It doesn’t really make sense for Russia to do it, other than a propaganda stunt to warn the West it can easily be done to other utilities. Plenty of other gas lines, power lines and telecom lines run of the sea-beds. This would do a lot of damage to Western countries, and would be a good act of sabotage.
By far the more likely? Putin blows up his own biggest asset when if he simply doesn’t want to send energy to Europe he can simply disable like an on ‘ off switch and that’s more likely? how about the threat from Biden …. That’s less likely?
Sleepy Joe is an horrible president. He's clearly not well and shouldn't be out in public. Last week when he couldn't even find the way to get off the stage I felt sad for him. Russia have had so many cash avenues stopped because of sanctions that it wouldn't make sense for them to do this to themselves by making themselves more poor when you've got the likes of the EU still sucking up to Russia for gas.
Yeah I recall watching the briefing live and actually recording it at the time however it was too large to upload to here. I didn’t look at the website but the full press briefing is available on YouTube if you search for it. (I just googled Biden’s comments re Nordstream 2 for a quick link).
Biden has a lot of great things on his CV, but I had massive reservations about him becoming president at that age. The exit from Afghanistan, although negotiated with the Salmon Faced Fatman, was done appallingly, as was our own exit under the Floppy Haired Lying Fatman. He's done nothing since to reassure me. I feel Pooh Tin had worked that out. Who knows who has done this, but the whole situation is now looking grave for the whole of Europe, not just the Ukrainians, who have clearly taken the brunt of everything up to now, other than higher food & fuel bills. Thank **** we have Liz Truss at the helm. The new pork markets will get us through. God save the King.
Pictures online ( if they are genuine) are showing explosions rather than implosions suggesting it was done from inside the pipe...the only way it could be done is by using the 'pig', apparently a robot that runs inside the pipe for inspection purposes, it can only be run from either end of the pipe... so either Russia did it or the Germans did it.
Announced today that the Norwegian military have been deployed to protect their pipelines after someone unwelcome was detected poking around them.