If the outcome is cheaper individual meals then that’s great, if the outcome is just no ‘two for X’ saving then that’s a bit pants. Most people don’t go out to eat alone and whilst I think eating alone is fine (I’ve happily done it myself a few times), I’d wager it’s more a confidence thing rather than it being couples getting a couple of quid knocked off that’s stopping them. Edit: I just looked again and I am surprised at it being such a big difference, that might seem more of a snub. Two for £10 is cracking for a couple, I’m almost suspicious about it being that cheap!
It's a great deal for a couple, it really is. And I can totally understand why they have done it. It makes financial sense, because although the profit on the meals for the couple is really small, the gamble is they'll be selling two drinks for every one served to a single person, and the mark-up on drinks is pretty good. I get why they're doing it and it's a very good initiative. And it's a menu that will appeal to a lot of people. However, something they don't take into account is that I will drink any couple under the table, matching their two drinks, but I'm aware I'm an outlier. I eat out on my own all the time. If I didn't I wouldn't eat out. I've done it hundreds, possibly thousands of times. I'm very confident, I have no issue walking into a restaurant and asking for a table for one. Or going to the pictures on my own, or the theatre or to a see a band. But I do understand for some people it is a thing. It's difficult to do. It's even more difficult when the pricing is set up to cater for couples and charge single people more. We've just been through Covid and I've spent two years entirely isolated on my own. And since then things have changed. Society has changed. When I used to go out on my own people would talk to me. I always initiated it, but people would reciprocate. They don't any more. There is, because of the way that the Covid pandemic was communicated, a wariness of strangers. People don't talk to me anymore and I don't go out anywhere near as often as I used to because people stick to their own groups. It's very isolating. @fired does a lot of work with isolated people and this menu discourages them to go and have a meal. But it makes financial sense for the business. I don't know the answer, but I do know, because I live it, that single people have been ostracised from our society.
Hard one for me this. I work for the charitable arm of the business so my job is governed by health/ making people better/ getting community to be involved etc. As long as what I do doesn’t make a loss it’s good. This offer is basically as close to the line as it could be. Not alot of profit if any. One option for people on their own is to take the two for a tenner offer and have the second meal packaged for home. Feedback from those who have done that this week has been positive. The other thing is that the intention was to get people to get together. Obviously I know that this sometimes isn’t easy. Two people from the “isolation” group have made arrangements this afternoon - so some good has come out of it. It’s early days. Next up is Tea and Toast Tuesdays. Again, not a profit seeking thing. Just an attempt to get people in from the cold having dropped kids off at school/ got up, and come in to have some food, a hot drink and company. The hope is they will see some of the other projects available and get involved. If they don’t they still have tea and toast.
Not sure some of the foodstuffs on offer on that menu will do much for health/making people better Only joking, I'm sure the community aspect will more than make up for it.
Pie, chips and gravy or a plate of lettuce and tomatoes; I know which would be best for my mental health.
I went out with two friends where they did a 2 for 1 deal. The single price was the bizarrely more expensive than 2 for 1. We only wanted 3 meals but were prepared to order for 4 and split the cost between us. Except they insisted on bringing out the 4th meal even though we didn't want it!
I'm often out on my own on long distance walks, and I invariably end up in a pub in the evening for sustenance. Many places have offers for couples, which is at best annoying and at worst discriminatory. My tactic is to ask, in a loudish voice, if I can have half the offer for half the price. Very often they say yes, probably to avoid an argument. On other occasions another single person nearby overhears and offers to join me. That works well, I get a cheaper meal and some company for the evening.
I'm naturally a bit of an introvert and shy but one thing lockdown taught me was that I need more social interaction with people than I thought I did. That was one of the reasons I got back in the office ASAP so that I could interact with more people than just my OH - that and it really knackered my mental health being stuck at home. On my ride to work I try to say hello to everyone I pass. Even at work now I talk to way more people than I did pre covid. Weird thing is people seem to quite like me - not as much of a tw.at as I thought I was!!!
Well done. Of course you're not a toowat. And most other people aren't either. And if you speak to them in a friendly manner you'll get a lot back. It's a bit more difficult now after Covid, but most people are nice. And even if they start telling you about views you don't agree with, it's very easy to just nod your head, know that you don't agree, but just let them talk.
The picture of the pie, chips and gravy boat on the platter does not inspire me with confidence. One can only imagine where the gravy will end up ....See link for other bizarre serving ideas..... https://www.reddit.com/r/WeWantPlates/
I think, provided they are not fried in beef tallow (...err ....like I do) but veggie oil, Fish, chips and mushy peas is actually a healthy meal provided you keep your weight in correct range for your height and age. Carbohydrate, white fish and fibre and lots of minerals and vitamins. What's not to like? Far healthier than pizzas, curry, pie (pastry uses lard butter and contents usually meat) . Red meats and chicken (other than skinned breast meat) are also unhealthy. Strangely Goose fat is high in monounsaturated fats and oleic acid which actually lowers bad cholesterol. So you can tuck into F&C guilt free unless you are watching your weight or a couch potato. Pie is good 'soul food' though, provided you don't have it too often.
Oh don’t get me started. I can’t stand that contrived nonsense. You’ll be relieved to know that the pies are served on a plate.
Good to know. I thought you would be a 'non-nonsense' type of person! I hate it when 'hand cut chips' come stacked in right angled layers (like I have seen how wooden railway sleepers used to be ). (think the chef must play Jenga in his spare time). I also hate when they serve them in mini chip pan baskets. And don't get me started on Fish chips and peas when the latter turns out to be garden peas that have been partly squashed with potato masher or fork as the Sunderland Marriott served me up one night after a long day on customer site and could not be arsed to find a restaurant as we usually did ! They had even cut the fish in half and put one half at an 'arty- farty' angle on top of the other. Still I suppose they thought it justified charging hotel restauirant prices for something as basic as Fish 'n chips. Mind you we both decided to have a 'dry night' (i.e. no beer) so ordered a pint of squash which turned out to be basically water and Ribena for which they charged us the same price as a pint!! (£4 and I am talking about 14 years ago) Fortunately we were on expenses! If I want to look at abstract art rather than eat I would go to the 'Tate Modern' or Bretton sculpture Park not a hotel restaurant which in the UK tend to be very average in everything except the price. Good luck with the venture. Hopefully it will tempt people out given the belt tightening that is inevitable until the economy improves. Even here in Italy where eating out is a way of life and part of the culture, footfall is down and people are spending less in bars and restaurants.
Menus where the pricing is without the currency is my biggest irritant at the moment. Fish and Chips. 12 That’s great, I’ll pay in rupees then. Also, “Mac and Cheese” . Are we all American now, because for 50 odd years, I swear it was Macaroni Cheese? Slaw - shudder. Not often I’d order a steak but if it was served on a slab of wood I’s be tempted to send it back.