IFOLLOW BARNSLEY AWAY AT FLEETWOOD Club News This afternoon's game against the Cod Army will be available on iFollow Barnsley, for audio and video match pass access, depending on your location. Continue reading on the official site...
I'm wondering what location to choose for today's match... maybe San Marino. I hear the air is nice & clear in the mountains.
Very easy. You sign up to a VPN service, log in to that, select a country from the list and then your computer thinks that you are overseas. You can then watch the match for, for example, €11. I've been using it for a couple of years due to my frequent Spanish trips where, in that case, I had to fool the PC into thinking I was in the UK so I could watch BBC content etc. PrivateVPN, a Scandinavian based company, costs me just under $50 for a two-year subscription. Some are better than others. PVPN has been great and when I had a couple of problems at the start, their customer service was spot on.
I usually select Madrid. It's great virtually sitting in the Plaza Mayor watching the Reds on the laptop while soaking up the sun and enjoying churros con chocolate.
Yeah, as said above. I signed up a couple of weeks ago. It's all extra revenue for the club & I had no chance of getting to the game today. i was DJing in Derby last night & didn't get in till 4am...
What if your only desktop option is a work computer? I don't think you can cast iFollow from an android phone/iPad can you?
I wouldn't have thought you could do it on a work computer. As for the second bit, I have no idea, sorry. I have VPN installed on both PC and iPhone and never had a problem with either.
To be honest I don't think it would be too bad watching on the iPad. I've watched matches on my iPhone which is a smaller screen that what you are talking about. Holding it reasonably close isn't much different from watching a big tv screen from the usual distance. Depends how much you want to watch the match I suppose. I will very likely be watching every match either home or away this season - some in person at Oakwell, some on my PC. I opted out of renewing the season ticket this season but I will probably reconsider after Christmas if the half season tickets are reasonable. Don't want to miss another promotion run in, do I
During lockdowns i watched on my iPad until i discovered (after many matches) i could HDMI my laptop to my tv and watch it that way. The difference at the time felt significant, but maybe now, as I'm starved of watching the reds, an iPad would suffice. I still watch nearly every game where i can watch 'in this country' through iFollow, but they are now few and far between.
Hmm looks like the servers in Madrid are busy today so I’ve had to put my big coat on and travel to Oslo instead. All good and the sunshine at Highbury looks lovely. Time to make a big mug of tea and a sandwich before kick off in 25 mins:
I often watch on my iPad it’s fine. Not sure if I can cast to a TV. It used to work then it got blocked not sure if it’s still the same I find Windscribe works well