Bruce Springsteen has put out a cover of Frank Wilson's 'Do I Love You?' I would include a link but I don't want to upset anyone. Criminal.
Once went to a disco at the seaside in the eighties, couldn't recognise a single tune, but everyone was dancing their hearts out, I was bewildered! Realised at the end it was a Northern Soul music night. Hear it on Radio Sheffield after the footy on Saturday, parallel universe and all that.
The Frank Wilson track is my favourite NS number of all time. Springsteen has produced a good cover version.
I like it' a good song is a good song ' as long as its sang how it should be it don't matter who sings it' its all about this genre loyalty nonsense mods /rockers etc' loads of rock artists like other genres' ozzy osbourne does a great cover of "in my life" by the beatles ( his favourite band) ' there is a youtube vid of wilson picket covering born to be wild thats bloody awful mind..
Sometimes. Not always. And what about films? The Italian Job 2003 - is that up there with the Michael Caine original? Same story....
Not keen on covers that half sing half talk the lyrics into the mic , the backing music and singers are decent enough but Springsteen should save his croaking for his own dirges . If you are going to talk a song he should take lessons from Captain Kirk
Not a film buff mate' what i meant was' most folk who are upset about springsteen covering the song will be more bothered because a rock artist is covering it rather than the cover being bad' i like both versions' good song' its when folk take covers and try to "make it there own" as simon cowell calls it that grinds my gears' if your gonna cover somene elses work at least have enough respect to sing it how its meant to be sang' springsteen does that i think..
Some songs have a cover version better than the original. This isn’t one of them. Frank Wilson’s song is unlikely to be improved upon ever, by anyone. All in my humble opinion, of course.
Agree but still a decent version. I take your point about some covers being better than the original. I give you ‘You Really Got me’. Van Halen over the Kinks - which itself is a brilliant version, but bettered in my view.
I actually prefer the Chris Clark version, which was released on Motown at the time, instead of Frank's vocal. It is the same backing track. One of the underrated Motown singers. This is a great northern soul tune by her. VIP was a subsidiary label of Motown.