Did anyone else hear the muppet from S6 claiming that the Piggies were the Man City of League 1? Are there no limits to their delusion?
What do you mean delusion? Bannan is 10x the player De Bruyne is - how many assists & goals does De Bruyne have in league one? Zero.
They certainly throw their money around like them and... yeah, thats about how far the comparisons go
If you ever want entertaining go on Owlstalk ,it is priceless , yesterday I read where they were saying that they are in the top 20 clubs in the land followed by how every team in division one raise their game because they are playing the so called " Massive " , honestly they are so deluded they actually believe their own cr-p , it is hilarious , incidentally they only lost to us because they under estimated us !
Just typical of the Wednesday fans I've had the misfortune to come across over the years and why I dislike them so much. Deluded beyond belief. I'm guessing Bannan is their De Breuyne and Smith is Haaland....
Although the Fowls fans can be laughably ignorant and deluded, I still don't mind them. I actually think the Blunts fans are the more annoying and sometimes loathsome type of Sheffield piggy pork.
I worked in Sheffield all my life and most are decent people. However, the Wednesday fans I came across were far more deluded than the Blunt counterpart. The Blunts in general were a bit like Barnsley fans, always expecting them to f*ck up when the games really mattered, A workmate has been to Wembley 6 times and seen the Blunts lose every one so he never expected anything but the worst, The Fowls fans always expected to win no matter who they were playing. never in any doubt even if they were playing Man City.
Ye I've found the same..when we went down a blade was avin a go till I mentioned their 7 years in this league..suddenly ah was invisible..
I know the Fowls fans are ridiculously deluded, more than most other teams fans actually. And I wouldn't accuse the Blunts fans of being deluded like that, its other things that Ive seen and heard of that pees me off more regarding them. I know it got nasty between both sets of fans, but there were some despicable Blunts 'fans' taking the mick out of the Hume-Morgan incident.
I remember as if it was yesterday, I was about 70yrds off the incident, I was horrified at what I saw & yet the ref bottled it. Only a complete moronic idiot can say there were nowt wrong with that challenge, it was a life threatening elbow, end of.
Yeah, and Colin Warnock said exactly that for a start, that he/Morgan didn't mean it, and that Chris isn't that sort of lad etc. What a load of garbage!. And their fans were posting things like "What is Ian Hume's favourite group, is it Elbow". And "Aww is Hume having one of his 'special' headaches again". Ian nearly died from his head injury of course, so those sort of comments were the lowest of the low, and its why I think like I do now about the Blunts fans.
I understand your frustrations, but that was a minority. They could quite easily tarnish all us with the same brush, being some of our fans sung about Sharps dead child and goaded him with it. Scum
It was right in front of me in East stand upper front just off centre, i said straight away that it was deliberate and i stand by it. Can't abide either Sheffield clubs.