How completely and utterly cringeworthy. Does he seriously believe that the Tories are actually doing a good job? What is rather disturbing, considering that he obviously has his eye on the top job one day, is that either: someone actually got paid to write that car crash of a speech for him, or he wrote it himself, ran through it in front of the mirror, and thought "that's actually pretty good!" Our paths crossed a couple of times at Sheffield University. It will come as a surprise to absolutely no-one that he was an utter ***** even back then. So despised was he, that one day on the way home from a club, one of my mates decided he was going to lob a full wheelie bin straight through Berry's living room window. We tried to persuade him not to, but to no avail, and through it went. In hindsight, I'm quite glad we failed...
That’s a brilliant story! It just never ceases to amaze me, what a contemptible bunch this lot are. The most horrible set of humans all in one place. They just seem to get worse. And people vote for them. They actually go into the shops, buy The Telegraph/Times/Express/Mail and think ‘these lot are for me’. I’m coming to despise Tory voters as much as Tories themselves.
That’s exactly where I’m at Marc, a couple of old mates, who claim to be Tories give me a wide berth nowadays when talking politics. They don’t even try to play devil’s advocate or generally pillock about anymore. Shame it’s got so toxic regarding politics, but I know they still support much of what the Tories do, particularly the Immigration and Rwanda situation.
it's an awkward one, that I'm constantly wrestling with. there are definitely people I once called good friends, that I've just drifted away from because their beliefs are just so far opposite from mine. loads of mates that I've hidden on social media (and they know this). I try to be as tolerant as possible, and I realise I may just end up sat in an echo chamber with my sandal wearing guardian reader friends. but there's a point I really struggle to get past. bottom line is I'm just not sure I want to be mates with people who openly support this bunch of tories and what they stand for.
Not a nice bloke. I used to live next door to him in Sheffield. I remember one night we got this wheelie bin through the window...
What I cant work out is how these people get chosen to be the candidate. I can understand how people like Hunt or May get selected even if I fundamentally disagree with their politics. But some of the current lot like Patel Braverman Berry are just horrible people so why do they get chosen I really dont get it. Who picks them? As for the voters in their constituencies most are voting for the party not the MP as a person. I would have a problem if the candidate for the party I preferred was a vile individual and would almost certainly vote elsewhere but I can see why others might not. Happily as I never vote Tory or UKIP/Brexit party etc I am less likely to have that problem
It's the fact that people so far out of their depth, and so incompetent are getting into positions of power that gets me. Liz Truss, doesn’t seem to know what day it is. Boris just blagged it, Dorries is just unbelievably stupid, and a liability with it.Our constituency MP Miriam Coates will do nothing other than tow the party line and occasionally appear on nice photos. I can’t stand Sunak, but I’d be willing to credit him with at least knowing something about the job he’s actually been doing. Oh, and then there’s the fact that they all are devoid of any kind if empathy, want to serve only their own interests, and conveniently forget the contradictions in everything they do. I’ve got to a point where I just can’t bear the thought of another Tory administration.
The thing is, out & out Tories think they're doing a good job & are happy with the current situation, if this was a Labour Government I would be beside myself & absolutely seething A Tory.
So glad ive got friends who dont let their political beliefs effect our friendships.Seems some people are not allowed an opinion.
Everyone is allowed to have an opinion. However, everyone is also allowed to challenge an opinion. It always seems laughable to me that people bang on about freedom of speech, whilst at the same time refusing to allow anyone to challenge their viewpoint. You're bang on with what you say.
Everyone is allowed an opinion. The friends I choose are based mainly on the opinions they hold. Simples.
An interesting response to a thread where literally not one person is suggesting they shouldn’t have an opinion. You might have well just said ‘I think Jesus was one of the best motor racing drivers that’s ever lived’.
I didn’t think it was possible to be more hateful than Priti Patel but Suella “I have a dream” Braverman has managed it! As Lizzie herself might say about berry’s speech “thick, thick, thick”!
I've just puked up. What a set of ctuns. I have become less and less tolerant of anyone who try defend these b'stds. To the point I tell em to shut the **** up. Cos it will spoil my day having to listen to em. And the poison they come out with.
Not quite sure where you got the idea that people were saying you cant have friends who have different political views I have quite a few friends who have voted Tory, though none are openly racist - that would be a problem for me Strangely we dont spend all our time together talking politics.
Someone here the other day seemed to think outright racism is simply a ‘political opinion’. No it’s not, it’s simply a massive clue that someone will be an utter cünt about other things too. Let’s be honest, if you’re stupid enough to believe everyone with the same skin colour shares the same values, what other batshít opinions will you have.
Absolutely. For me, It's where do you draw the line. In choosing your friends. Eg I have the greatest sympathy for those trying to escape tyranny and anyone else trying to get to a better life for themselves and their families. But I have friends who believe economic migrants are a major issue. Brexit has created mass job vacancies that could be filled by economic migrants. The NHS is on its knees because of a lack of nurses etc. And people leaving in droves due to being underpaid and overstretched. Hopefully the tide will turn against this racist self serving horrible government. Tbh it's very rare to have people sharing all the same values/views. Be it politics. Unions, A social conscience. If that was the case to choose friends. I'd have few if any. And I have many.
Only occasionally you need to say things three times for effect. When you are talking scripted horse manure, not so ... this is an exception to the rule.