Cheers Gally, I’ve been accessing the e mail account continually and that has been displaying the correct details. This has only arisen since last week. The laptop was brand new from PC world so no one other than me has physically used it. I set it up. I didn’t opt for all of the things microsoft seem to insist on - using the “leave til later” option. i’ve managed to get back in and change the name. The name was not known to my work boss so seems unlikely it’s a cross organisational thing. I did have to go through a complete verification process, so maybe it was something to do with that?? Can’t see any sign of anything else astray.
Jeez I’m trying to stop someone taking advice from random strangers on the internet that could land them in trouble. if I so much as run a command on my work computer that I’m not supposed to I’m sacked. And every time I log in, I have to press Ok on a message that reminds me that’s the case. Given the huge fines companies can get for breaches of GDPR I think that’s sensible. It appears I’m just smug
It’s quite simple Any ‘work’ computer might contain personal data any ‘owner’ of that personal data is (the company) responsible for its security. If they don’t look after it properly the fines can ruin a business. Why do I feel like I’m the only person on the forum who’s aware of IT security? Is everyone else Nadine Dorries this evening?
Seems strange. Even new from the store sometimes people fiddle with PC or return them. Make sure you set up two-factor authentication for the account.
Not sure why you’re being so sarcastic with me, but just for the record. I work for a small charity which employs one person. That’s me. I don't have a contract that says I will be sacked if the organisation's one and only lap top gets hacked or broken. I don’t have an IT department. I’m off work until next week. I have a laptop with a handful of documents on that are not a security issue. (Unless you can think of something devious to do with a “Tea and Toast Tuesday” poster??) I’m trying to get an idea from people who have in the past been very helpful in such situations. I’d fully accept I’m no technical guru, but given my limited options between now and Monday, I thought I’d try and find out a little more.
How’s this sound. You’ve recently done some business with a company, and your personal data is on a laptop belonging to a member of their staff. That member of staff has an IT issue, they don’t know how or why, but their laptop could have been compromised. And it turns out that rather than having a secure process in place to protect your data, that member of staff goes to the internet to find a solution to their ‘problem’. Are you happy about that?
As Gally said, it could have been returned to the store and been used by another person. Wouldn't worry too much about it - change passwords, etc, and two factor on. We have it on our work email - sends a code to my phone if I try and sign in on another machine. We also have to change the password every three months to be on the safe side.
I worked over 10 years in IT support, I’ve lost count of the number of people I’ve seen sacked for very minor data breaches. But WTF do I know? I’m just paranoid I suppose.
Already stated no personal data, so it really isn't a GDPR concern. Plenty of people ask for tech advice on here as there are several on here who are willing to offer advice
Are you coming to the Tea and Toast Club? It’s a voluntary donation which I’ll keep in a jar until there’s enough to warrant paying into the bank. If you come to the Thursday Drop in, you’ll have to fill in a registration form which I will keep in a filing cabinet. This is the reality of how thousands of charities up and down the country are run.
And thousands of others keep those details electronically Maybe I’m over cautious but surely that’s better than the opposite?
I’d get into trouble at work if I spoke to someone like a condescending two hat when they asked for help. Maybe you should stop doing that?
This is what I posted, and I was greeted with abuse. Nowt condescending there. Just simple legally correct advice from someone who’s seen too many people sacked. But people decided that was the ‘wrong’ advice.
Some of your responses do come across a bit $hitty mate, tbf. I’m sure that wasn’t the intent, but that’s kinda how they read. It’s a friendly football forum, not stack overflow
I know - here’s me trying my best to stop someone potentially landing in real trouble. What an absolute twät eh.