Held in Liverpool in 2023 ... my stepson is gutted as he's Eurovision's social media manager; he'll miss out on a free holiday. Five minute walk from the arena will not be worth claiming for. He's been inundated with ticket requests ... he then points out they're 500 for the night and they back off 
I love it, Me and the Mrs get settled for the night with flags and pink Prosecco, we invite 2 of our friends around and we all dress up as ABBA, I think I’m going to dress up as Benny or Bjorn this year though for a change,, @LiverpoolRed on a serious note I think it’s brilliant for your stepson
@Bossman thank you! It's his dream job - he's loved the show since he was a kid. He started writing a Blog about it and this was picked up by Eurovison. They paid for him to travel to the comps and write about them. The social media position became available, and he got the job. The announcement video on Twitter yesterday was his doing! He's always ove travel too - he works for Pizza Express at the weekend and this money pays for his trips. Name a country in the world and he's probably been - in fact next month he travels to Brazil then has to go straight to Junior Eurovison! He did have my dream job before Eurovison - he worked in football was on the Social Media @anfield which meant we got the odd corporate seats! 
@Slightly Balding, he did warn this would happen, so we checked the Hilton before and after..The price jump was staggering
I would rather watch the Wendies,nowt to do with singing - it's political now and as been for years,waste of money.
I was gutted it wasn’t in Leeds. I’m not a massive fan or anything but I’d have liked it to be local and would have gone along to experience it. I don’t care enough about it to go to Liverpool and pay that much for a hotel though.
Chances of getting tickets are really slim - whole of Europe after them. Step son says it's actually better on TV than live. There's a few places here like Anfield screening it - that may be better option
If it was purely political we wouldn’t have come second, considering our standing in Europe right now.
I guess it would be difficult getting a ticket, and I've often thought it would be quite dull. The stuff they put on in Sheffield for the women's euros would make me think they'd make a good job of making it a phenomenal atmosphere in the city though.
Rooms in Liverpool that week already going for thousands of pounds a night. Even if you stay outside of the city in Runcorn rooms are going for hundreds of pounds a night. The BBC team for Rip Off Britain could do a show there.
Came last when we came out of Europe with no points, we came 2nd because of our help for the Ukraine and it was obvious they would win. Purely political and no one will convince me otherwise.