What a pointless thing. If some one wanted to smuggle something in that could be hidden in baseball cap you may as well just put it in your pocket and you wouldn’t even be searched for that. ♂️
A Bomb in a Toupe. Gotta be a song in there. I'm picking up my Heritage Les Paul Gold Top now. There could be something, D Miner 7th.
I often travel from parents via the match home so I often have a bag of odd things, but nothing illegal but, maybe it's because of my seat location, but it's sort of gone back to normal re searches except there are people watching you go in.
I'm ESL and it's pot luck if you get stopped at all. Whenever I go through there are usually one or two stewards nearby and if they are occupied I just walk past and often go through without a search of the bag that I take everywhere with me. I don't like carrying stuff in my pockets so a small rucksack is my answer and, for matchdays, I have a couple of sandwiches, a biscuit maybe and a small flask of tea in there along with the usual personal things. I'm a reasonably long distance traveller to matches so I see nothing wrong in that. I do understand why they stop and search going into venues these days, but that doesn't make it any more pleasant to have to do it. Also it is a complete waste of time because they are clearly untrained in searching procedures - it just seems like a "we'll do it for show, but there is no real point to it" exercise. As I said above, yesterday I got a hand on my shoulder just as my ticket was being scanned to go in, so I had to step back outside for a "search". Cursory, pointless - as usual.