Bought it for my dad for Christmas when it first appeared on here a couple of weeks ago for pre-order, came the other day, then my sister precedes to tell him about it...
I've paid nearly £40 to watch us lose at Leeds multiple times, of course I'd pay £15 to read the great man's book in the warmth of my house. It'd probably last me longer than 90 minutes too.
I usually pay for an holiday to Cyprus un say that's for yer birthday ,Christmas, Easter and Anniversary presents, working OK at the minute lol.
I paid silly money to see Chicago the musical. Probably the worst thing I've paid out for. Bar mi wedding. "OUCH . sorry dear."
Spend a small fortune on xmas. (Stop nephews nieces at 18 Now it's their kids or grandkids) mrs just picks up odd items throughout the year. . Done, dusted and wrapped before end october. Send to Santa, job done.
Spent a fortune on George already. He's three this Thursday. Then there's Christmas. It cost me £77 quid for Zombie (Moon Frenzy) importing from America. Then there's other Monster Trucks, tractors, JCB and Combine Harvester I've bought him for Christmas. Going to wrap up that Thomas and Percy set I bought him last year too (he was too young).
They're all what YOU want him to have. what about what HE wants. Bought my lad a Scalextric. His first xmas. 2months old.