It always amazes me how there`s always an economics expert lined up to take over from the economics expert who`s just been sacked.It`s like the boss at my works saying to a Brickie "the Electrician hasn`t turned up today so you`re it".
But it’s much more than that though, this is about all ours, our children’s and their children’s’ futures. Following Political ideology at any cost is NOT the way for the majority of citizens whichever colour your political rosette is.
He just has. I can never forgive that maggot how he trashed the NHS while health secretary. To me no real improvement here.
I particularly liked the 2 letters they exchanged with Kwasi accepting he has to stand down for following her policies and then this from Truss implying he had resigned rather than being sacked, and quite why Kwasis name is at the bottom is rather strange - did he write it for her to sign and forgot to change the footer?
I think she will be trying to placate the majority of the parliamentary party by recruiting a grown up. The intercine civil war in the party is ready to blow at any time, possibly the last throw of her premiership, she seems reluctant to do so at the moment. Sadly,chaos is the mantra from the last month. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a general election called in next 6 weeks, yet more confusion and chaos for us as a country. I have no idea who would win it,though.
The issue is, they are hopelessly split, everyone banged on and on about the momentum takeover of the Labour party, making it extremely left wing, etc, but there seems to be little recognition that after UKIP was polling 10-15% there was a concerted effort to take over the Tory party by the extreme right libertarians - take us out of Europe and save the Tory Government basically by seizing control. At the last election the last vestiges of the old Conservative party were crushed under the heal of the headbangers and their accompanying crackpot policies in other areas. Your average voter, including trad Tory ones, might have woken up to the fact that the party they thought they supported no longer exists.
Oh great, a hardcore lockdown waanker in high office. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse.