Next year 4472 will be 100 years old, I was wondering if anyone on here had any memories? Here's mine. In 1968, as a 12-year old train spotter living in Bolton on Dearne, me and my mate Chris used to cycle round South Yorkshire in search of trains, railway lines and sheds. On sundays we usually went to Donny to cycle alongside the "Plant" (railway works) in the hope of seeing rare locos - one time we even blagged our way in with an organised visit party. We always took in the running sheds and sneaked round, avoiding the foreman's office. At the side of the running shed was a small single-track shed where Flying Scotsman was kept. Often the doors were left open and we'd go in and climb on the footplate and sit there to eat our sarnies.
I was never brave enough to blag my way into big places like Donny works but I did get unhindered access to Holbeck, Normanton and Royston sheds often enough. These were the last days of steam and I can still picture them today, and recall the smell. I know it’s been said often enough but this really was a different world to now. It never occurred to me that I was ever in any danger but, obviously, there were predators around then, and not that far from Barnsley (Hindley and Brady for example). We just went out for the day on the bike or bus or train and then went home. Never a problem!
Thought you was on about the lovely bar in London then........a do miss spending my pound coins In there
I remember it on tour coming through Honeywell and slowing up going up the line next to Victoria Crescent , people were jumping on and off it , tremendous sight
I saw it at the National Railway Museum in York, 2011, I think. It was having a complete rebuild & the public were allowed to see it from a distance. Quite a treat in a different way.. Four million quid? You could get a new one for that.!!
Pretty sure I saw it at a steam day at Donny yard in the early 90’s as a young kid. Still my favourite, just pipping the mallard for me.
I've got the Flying Scotsmen in BR Green with German style smoke deflectors. Never seen it in the flesh. Mallard for me. It's a shame they won't get it steaming again. Saw it (Mallard) in 1988 when me and all our family went down to Baghill ( still staffed) and my Dad photographed it. Bought both Mallard sets with Gresley Crimson cream coaches. Br Express blue looks smart.
Meeting point, get in to KX then round to the flying scotsman. Years ago about 40 of us all came out with a brand new watch courtesy of Bio. Great times
Me and Chris used to go to York quite often, the building which is now the museum was the old roundhouse, Bittern and Blue Peter were kept there in storage for a few years, unfortunately the cabs had been secured so we couldn't eat our sarnies on them. We also went to Donny for the Blue Peter renaming ceremony in the Plant and must have been on the the telly (on Blue Peter) climbing all over it....
My Dad liked to take photos of old steam trains so we used to head off to York, Doncaster, Derbyshire for the day to watch them come through on Specials. I think he bought some monthly train mag and seemed to know what times the trains were passing through. I don't recall having to wait for very long. I also remember going to the Plant in Doncaster. I think it was an Open Day when all the Deltics were about to be scrapped. I've always quite enjoyed going to these places, I've been to a lot of steam railways over the years and travelled around the country on Trailblazer tours with my Dad and mates when I was young. Back in the days when train travel was relatively cheap and you could use the same ticket to go up and down the line.
I'd love George to be into it as much as me. I think he's old enough for his Hornby trainset now. Buying a 6x4 piece of MDF from B and Q and some track pins n pasting table legs. Building him a Thomas and Percy layout with expansion pack I've just bought with level crossing, cross over, two loops and two sidings. Onto real life trains me and Laura going take him to York in next couple of months to NRM. Our dayout this month is Monster Trucks. Where money allows we try and do one decent day out a month.
I saw the Scotsman running through Wombwell (bottom line) on a special in 1968. My brother had a present of a footplate ride on Sir Nigel on the NYMR a few years ago.
I have an Accurascale model of this on order, the first time a ready to run model has been made of the 16 inch cylinder version of this short saddle tank engine. I'm going to get it weathered to try to match the Darfield No. 1 in this photo.
What is the difference between 4472 and 60103 when it comes to the Flying Scotsman? Do they use the same loco and swap the two numbers? I'd heard that it is the nameplate that determines the Flying Scotsman and not the loco ... am I correct.
I think it was originally 4472 then changed it's number and colour when the railways were nationalised after the war.
Almost, it was one of the last engines built by the Great Northern and ran with the number 1247 for a short spell before getting the LNER number 4472, eventually getting the British Railways number 60103 shortly after nationalisation.