You really will say anything to defend this shower of **** won’t you????? the whole lot of this government need getting rid of, every single one of them is corrupt to the hilt. They don’t give 2 fees about you (despite what YOU might think), they are only in it for themselves. you are totally deluded if you think otherwise.
What are you rambling on about?!! Where am I defending this set of numpties? I merely pointed out teh simple fact that no UK Govt... Labour, Lib-Dems, or Monster Raving Loonies could exercise control over the Oil producers and refineries (most of which are foreign owned) For what it is worth, this Govt have failed completely. Certain element of the aupply chain can be taxed in the UK but in the final analysis World market forces / supply and Demand OPEC have the final say. Nothing to do with whichever party is in power. Now if I had defended the fact that Hunt has failed to reverse the abolition of the Cap on Bankers bonuses then you would have had a point. Since I haven't then I suggest you review and retract your accusation. Have a good day
Truss got herself elected leader by ripping up Johnson's 2019 manifesto, and has now ripped up her own pledges, so not sure what mandate she is working off now? Now we have the prospect of Hunt bringing in the sorts of spending cuts that had previously endeared himself so much to junior doctors. But these will be spending cuts on top of 12 years of neglect for public services. If you fall ill, you may as well start writing your will. And you probably will fall ill, because you can't put the heating on without getting a second mortgage which you can't afford because interest rates are so high compared with 12 months ago.
They could do a lot worse than give Rory Stewart a peerage and install him as PM. A rare breed these days; a decent (ex) Tory.
Don't forget that Johnson's 80-seat Commons majority was based on a "mandate" from just 43% of the vote and in reality only just 30% of the population (67% turnout). That doesn't feel like any sort of mandate to me. We desperately need electoral reform.
Absolutely. At the moment, we're faced with a choice of which of the main parties is the least dysfunctional. At least Labour haven't had to restrict it's brains trust to people that thought Brexit was a good idea, but I imagine that if/when we get a Labour Govt then the old factions will come to the fore again. Sooner we have PR, the better. Then you can have your UKIPs, Momentums etc... all represented based on the votes they get without as much need for tactical voting.
yep interesting how this will be approached. I think people on good incomes will need support on energy given larger consumption / double whammy or mortgage rates. windfall tax / nationalisation is the only solution. Wholesale gas prices have dropped massively but I don’t quite understand how long that should take to feed through into the consumer market.
That's all relative. He sounds ok, then you look at his voting record. He voted against letting EU citizens remain, for stricter asylum system, for mass surveillance systems, against measures to tackle climate change, for selling forests and fracking, against regulation of gambling, against equality and human rights, against rises in welfare spending, benefits, or helping the young unemployed into work. A lot of this might have been whipping, but he is no saint.
I'd love to know how you cut already depleted public services without affective the service the public receives...
Yes mate they're all much the same, but I think he'd be a whole lot better than the shower we have just now.
We want a general election not another meet the new boss same as the old boss routine . The Torys are bankrupt of ideas of how to run the country as they’ve syphoned off most of the assets. They have stolen policies of other party’s but tried to put a Tory spin on it but the need to symphon some off made the policies obsolete. It’s not time for keep changing the leader it’s time for the country to decide , Let them come up with their policies along with the scrutiny of the markets etc and put it to the people .We are getting austerity again from a narcissist who’s been made inexplicably chancellor with no mandate whatsoever , even Johnson’s manifest which they are supposed to be in Government on the back of says austerity is over , Yet we have a minestrone set of backstabbing self indulgent load of cack heads deciding who’s doing what ministry and which office , The people didn’t vote hit this and I’m sure in a general election this would be proved , They are stripping and raping the departments before they are kicked out , They won’t need to leave a note saying there’s no money as the country will be on its knees .
Strange that Brady (if sky news are to be believed) was caught on camera sat in the house of commons in time for the starmer question but Truss couldn't manage to get there from the same meeting
Of course, but do you really think we're going to get one before January 2025? I can't see it myself. Edit, I was playing devil's advocate by suggesting Rory Stewart as a potential leader and also slightly taking the pee. Stewart had the whip removed and is no longer an MP so the chances of the Tories elevating him to the Lords to then appoint him PM is about as likely as me winning next year's Tour de France wearing a tutu and singing the Marsailaise through my rectal passage....
Depends on how they fare , the country won’t allow another Tory leadership contest for Prime minister without a GE , there would be uproar . Truss has finished and Hunt is all but PM , if he pursues austerity I think they’ll be murmurs on the back benches from those who’s seats won’t be safe especially red wall , Hunt is a narcissist and will tear the Party apart imo and if he doesn’t install a satisfactory energy package in April (providing they get that far ) they’ll be ousting him and I think a GE will be on the cards . Some may try and get Boris back in but imo the Party are as much divided on him as they are on Truss and I don’t see anyone they can muster a majority round tbh . I more concerned about the electorate tbh with some of the interviews so far , The British public unite behind the media imo .
I hope you're right. We need 2 things in this country;- 1 a general election - as soon as possible. 2 electoral reform Everything else is secondary for me.
Agree entirely, I'm hoping if Labour do get in (potentially in a coalition with SNP) they will see the need to do this.
Probably, though when the Alternate Vote was offered previously even the Government didn't want it and it was a horrible watered-down version of the required reform.
It was and imo whichever version would have been voted down, it was made non partisan with such as Prescott among other labour MPs vote and campaign against it . Think the main Two party’s have the most to lose out of a reform Torys more so . But the press and media did a good hatchet job and if it became a possibility I’m sure they would up their game , The main losers are the voters again imo .
I had to laugh at school today, a year 7 or 8 student randomly called someone ‘Prime Minister’ as an insult. That’s where we’re at these days.