As the celebrity Tory Phil Collins once said, would the last person out please turn the lights off. The Enemy Within = The Conservative Party. The old saying of the electorate gets the government they deserve sums it up. ( Scotland aside ).
Just watched Kay Burley interviewing Trevellyan. Holy crap, the contempt she showed her answers was eye watering.
Apparently she did, but it didn't register her card. Or the dog ate her homework or something. Although, I did read that no former leader of the Tories voted - Johnson, May or IDS. Which would be a popcorn moment when they are kicked out of the party...
Grant Shapps. That upstanding citizen Denied (below) it for 10 yrs from 2005 when he became an mp. Until he was found out. Grant Shapps, the Tory party chairman, had a second job as a “multimillion-dollar web marketer” under the pseudonym Michael Green for at least year after he first became an MP. It is a suggestion that Shapps has repeatedly denied for three years, but the Guardian has discovered a recording from the summer of 2006 in which the Conservative MP for Welwyn Hatfield boasts his products could make listeners a “ton of cash by Christmas”. Another ctun of the highest order.
Johnson and May had paired up with opposition MP's and had already got permission not to vote - No idea about IDS Neither the Cheif Whip not Deputy whip voted either and both tried to resign their position but have been forced to stay on so its hard to see them being kicked out either As I read from someone on twitter Its time we fired the script writer - this isn't believable anymore
Heard that last night If anyone wants the proof its here - Hard to disagree with him mind Caution appropriate bad language alert
And news Just in he has been taken off air as punishment Yet another example of why it doesnt pay to tell the truth