I'm very disappointed that Starmer seems not to be prioritising PR, despite Labour's members being hugely in favour of it. Although I'd love to see so many of the odious Tories lose their seats a la 97, I'm afraid that a thumping Labour majority will put PR on the back burner for another ten years.
It's a hard mindset to reform system that has put you into Power. It's also probably not a very populist policy as a lot of people will have no idea what the implications are.
Some helpful advice for Tories from a female Barrister - not that they will pay any attention of course
No, the Prime Minister can call an election when they wish now - indeed they were speculating that Truss would call one instead of being ousted by her own party. MPs can also vote for one, or a vote of No Confidence. Alternatively, the latest date is January 2025.
I can see the attraction for Tory MPs afraid of losing their seats thinking about voting him back in . But the general public that are clamouring to his banner , we’ll at least the ones the media are hunting down , Have the forgotten the almost impossible task of seeing a GP? Someone died in a very busy A and E according to news whilst waiting to be seen . Dentist are not taking on aNHS patients people are pulling their own teeth out ! This was unheard of a few years ago 12 to be exact . If it’s to be believed that the red wall voters want him back and will vote for him if he does then they deserve everything they get imo, Unfortunately those that want nothing to do with this soul destroying party will also suffer which is shameful .
Couple of things on this: MP’s really worrying that only a couple of months ago they thought it was best he was gone and forced him to leave and now think best option for self preservation and these are the people who are supposed to have the foresight and vision that the general public lack to lead, grow and develop our Country. General public - amazed how many people on my FB list are asking for him to be back and should never have gone. It’s a strange, strange world we currently inhabit.
Private Eye carried a helpful "advertisement" recently Its beyond belief that people and even MP's need reminding but I expect him to be reinstalled as leader next week Only question is can he then spike the parliamentary privilages enquiry which if allowed to run without interference is almost certain to find he has treated parliament with contempt because his position would be untenable* if it recommended any sort of suspension * The committee only makes recommendations to parliament so the tories could be whipped to ignore its findings - in any normal times this would be out of the question but in the world through the looking glass we now inhabit I wouldnt bet my house on him surviving that
Minor correction on the "Someone died in a very busy A and E according to news whilst waiting to be seen" He actually died in the back of the Ambulance because there was no room to admit him to be treated properly https://www.manchestereveningnews.c...tigation-launched-after-patient-dies-25314984 Now Ambulances cannot meet target response times because most of them are parked outside A&E waiting for a bed to discharge patients in And the flu and other winter diseases havent hit properly yet Really strong advice is not to get ill in this country this winter -even if you are rich its not going to help for emergency service response time The current state of the NHS is entirely down to the Tory Goverment - It improved consistently under the last Labour government and has been in steady decline since the tories took control, accelerating decline after the brexit vote which is a bit strange as that was supposed to free up money for the NHS
Damn. I don't even follow UK politics that closely, but I just had a dream last night that Jacob Rees-Mogg was the new PM. He's just about the least likable person that I can think of. I was worried for the whole planet, not just for you my friends in the UK. When I woke up, I honestly had to check that it was indeed just a dream. I bet that the next PM isn't any better really, but still... phew! I hardly ever even remember my dreams, and then there's something like this. What's wrong with me?!
Personally I would call that a nightmare rather than a dream It wont be Rees Mogg and I can think of a few equally dislikable Tory MP's - Braverman for one who may well run for PM if she gets the backing of the ERG - though that looks more likely to be behind Bozo again as that worked out so well last time
Guessing he would only return if he had assurances about avoiding the above. Shouldn’t happen but neither should a lot of things last couple of years.
If people have a problem with PR they only need to see this table to see how bad the current system is. (Average votes per MP in the 2019 GE).
Or 864,743 across the country voted for Greens Just over 3 million for Liberals (11mp) Just over 10 million for Labour (202) Just under 14 million for Conservatives (365)
The other thing to mention is the number of people who didn't vote, many of whom didn't vote because their vote would have been wasted. I know many people who didn't vote for that reason and I personally voted Labour (I'm a member of the Greens) because my Green vote would have been wasted in my constituency. Electorate; 47.5 Million Turnout; 67% (one of the highest turnouts on record) 15 Million didn't vote.
TBH in my opinion what you have wrote above is what is wrong with the current system. What I mean by that is too many don’t vote who can and the fact people feel they have to tactically vote, it would be much simpler if everyone just voted for who they believed in be that party or person. That said to contradict myself over the tactical voting I chose not to vote last time a decision I regret because I detest the current MP for Lincoln.
Apparently, Sunak has hit the magic 100 number. It'll definitely have to go to a vote now if Johnson gets 100 to back him (they were initially hoping to not have to poll members).