aside from the fact 45 days of disastrous results by being PM has resulted in that entitlement (brought in by John Major post Thatcher), is Truss still not a back bench MP and paid as such complete with expenses allowance? £6m! SIX MILLION if she lives for another 40 years!! Public money for what?? She should morally not claim that money in the circumstances surrounding her resignation , but I will be surprised if she does refuse it.
My understanding is that it's not money that can be paid to her but rather that it's money for her to set up an office/charity to benefit the country. Gordon Brown definitely set up a charity of some sort with his.
GB renounced his in 2009 and only gets his normal MP pensions according to their website.
Some ex prime ministers definitely dont deserve a bean after leaving office shes one, boris another and tony blair. Strip them of the pension and the lot
This BBC report gives more detail about this allowance and how its paid. It also claims that Gordon Brown did claim it. BBC News - Calls for Liz Truss not to take yearly £115,000 as ex-prime minister
Liz has a lot of crap to tidy up, that’s 2-3 annual ongoing salaries.. Cos she ain’t capable of wiping her own arse..
41 MPs who care only about their own job. It’s clear they think the only chance of winning and therefore still being an MP is with that lying racist. I can’t wait to see the list I’m 100% certain a few of them filed letters of no confidence in him 3 months ago
On the link above the 41 people already voted & public are on the list, mate. Rees-mogg, Dorries usual suspects.
I don't understand how she replaced Boris but now he could replace her,we must be a laughing stock round the World.
Fake news about the Public Duty Costs Allowance is little better than the lies we were told before the referendum. Liz Truss won’t see a penny of it. It’s for things like police protection, which she will probably need more than Most.