Why do people seem to hate him so much? I read about some restaurant incident this week, but Corden had already apologised for that and acknowledged that he had acted like an idiot. I only know him for his "carpool karaoke" videos really, but even though his overly cheerful style can be somewhat annoying at times, I can't hate him for being somewhat annoying. Is he the next James Blunt that people hate for no apparent reason, or have I missed something?
No I think he is just disliked because he is smug and successful - I dont think he has done anything particularly bad anywhere The Blunt one was even more bizarre though because all I have found about him is he is a thoroughly decent bloke
I think he's admitted that early in his career he wasn't very nice to people. I've always pretty much ignored him tbh. I put him in the Ant and Dec category really. Highly overrated for doing very little.
This long read helps.... Lots of horrible stories about him including one where on a plan journey he ignored his wife struggling with their baby.
The video of him with Patrick Stewart is a fairly cringe watch and I think shows his petulant side. James Corden might be a lot of things, but I draw the line at him being labelled a comedian.
Got no issue with Blunt at all. I find his music offensive to the point of bordering on satanic, but I just don’t listen to it. He always comes over as a decent enough bloke, who can have a laugh at himself when he needs to. His Twitter is class at times. Corden however. Cnt.
I love how self aware Blunt is. Threatens people by saying he'll make more music always makes me chuckle
It’s a British thing Tomi, someone makes it big and without doing much wrong the hate crowd have their moments . I don’t particularly like his entertainment and mostly turn him off when he’s on , but I wouldn’t chase him down on social media or anywhere tbh , he’s not my cup of tea but he is others cup of tea no need for hate and spitefulness . We do get it in Barnsley as well with some of our own celebrities .
I remember seeing a dare/forfeit thing on his own show where his guest (who seemed to dislike him) said he could avoid a forfeit if he could tell him the name of any of his cameramen. He did the forfeit. He also once turned up at a Writers' Guild meeting to advocate for being able to pay writers less. This isn't a case of slagging someone who does well, the bloke is a ****.
https://www.joe.co.uk/entertainment...-from-his-own-show-in-resurfaced-video-363846 Jimmy Kimmel so a rival light entertainment presenter. His mask slips pretty often. https://thetab.com/uk/2022/10/18/a-brief-history-of-james-cordens-most-evil-and-awful-moments-277767
I saw him road rage in Camden town, one afternoon. Pedestrians not crossing the Delancey Road quick enough, in front of his DB7. Penis head. Mike Leigh gave him a good start in acting, 20 odd years back. But he spunked it to be a fat token celebrity. **** house..
I can't understand why the Yanks have taken to Corden so much, because hes a complete yanker. And hes a talentless unfunny one as well!.