Heard of him & knows what he looks like. Seems he's not adapting to mega stardom. Give him time, he may settle down, he needs to.
Fortunately after this last year he's stepping down. Worse ratings year on year but he's spinning the reasons why he's leaving.
He's done carpools and shows with Joe Biden, Tom Cruise, Paul McCartney, Obamas, George Michael, Prince Harry, loads of massive celebs mate... He's definitely in mega stardom. People finally realising what he's genuinely like behind his brand though so things are gradually turning on him. Bit like what happened with Ellen.
They offered him his biggest ever contract to stay and tbf his reasons for leaving make sense. He's done all he can on the show and the parents of himself and his wife aren't getting any younger, so they will want to see them more. The kids who have missed out with being on the other side of the Atlantic to their grandparents will like it too. Corden will be watching the Hammers all the time.
Watch on YouTube for the time Patrick Stewart had a spat with him. JC is the fat spoilt brat you didn't like at school.
I never found him actually that funny on Gavin & Stacy, I think the majority of his 'jokes/satire' was due to him being fat - if a skinnier person had done it, it wouldn't be deemed funny. Simple stuff like taking his top off...
He's known throughout the entertainment industry as being a prize one ****** these days. A little while ago I used to interview actors(who were in horror movies and TV shows), and one of the things I always asked off the record was who is the biggest d1ckhead in the business? At least 3 said Cordon from memory, with two refusing to go on that Late Show he does in the US because of him. There is also the famous story of him asking to be moved seats on a plane because he was sitting next to a woman with a screaming baby, and the flight crew moved him. Then, while departing the plane they noticed that the woman and baby was his wife(of girlfriend, I cant remember) and his child.