So many today - really frustrating we have to be better than that. Just recycle the ball if there's nothing on. Felt sorry for Duff today - his post-match comments said it all and he seemed genuinely disappointed and angry that players don't do what they've been training. I thought Connell and Phillips were disappointing today and I still think we don't move the ball forward quickly enough to feet - too much intricacy in crowded areas. There were some slick moves but we are missing Thomas, thought Martin may be able to fill that role but some way to go.
The number of times I screamed at the tv this afternoon as yet another aimless punt up front disappeared into the ether of hopelessness. We were clueless and hapless. Apart from that .....
Watch Kitching closely every game and see how many times he over hits a pass or kicks it straight to their players. Nearly every time. Its ok bombing forward but have some finesse and end product, and make sure somebody covers you, as 99% of the time it’ll be coming straight back down that exposed flank.
Its ok bombing forward but have some finesse and end product, Division 3 defenders don’t usually have finesse or an end product, hence the reason they are playing in division 3
A pass to a red shirt and judging the distance of a pass is what I meant by that. It’s not rocket science, but it seems to be to Kitching.