I reckon (rightly or wrongly!) your expectations are too high. We were a true shambles last year. Huge change in playing personnel since last year. As always with that there are difficulties. By the end we might be okay. It takes time.
Looked good for 20 minutes then we just seemed to run out of steam or ideas? Not sure what happened but we just seemed to get progressively worse the longer the game went on. Only Cole deserves paying this week, at least he took his man on. Some terrible quality down the left from Cadden, seems like Williams is back and can’t come soon enough on that showing. Martin reflected the fortune of the team started well and faded badly, not sure what the answer is but 3 at the back against Lincoln is not it. Fair play to them they didn’t even sit back on the 2nd half and actually looked better and better - the lad from Sunderland, Jack Diamond was easily the best player on the pitch, Imagine having someone who can play football and is quick AF with it? Didn’t see anything approaching that from any of our lot.
Dull. One paced. Little threat from midfield and none from attack. Defence looks very vulnerable to pace. No positives at all for me.
I honestly don’t see what people are seeing when they refer to Kane as our best midfielder. Like I said earlier in the thread, get the ball, take a touch, turn sidewards and pass backwards. He slows the game down so much it’s unreal, and we were painfully slow anyway. He wasn’t necessarily the very worst on the pitch. But I wasn’t surprised he was taken off. Bringing Phillips on for him was the surprise. What is he? And don’t get me started on Josh bloody Martin. The man of the match sponsor must have been his mam. If he, Liam Kitching, Tom Edwards and Robbie Cundy can make a successful career as footballers, then I’m signing up to join the Chippendales. It was so bad tonight, walking back to the car I suggested to my lad we ought to play Jasper Moon in the back line.