All social media is designed to hook you into more clicks…. It will keep showing you the stuff that you like, or the stuff you are against. If that’s what gets the click. It can be manipulated so that you get your version of the same message that goes to everyone. As such, they influence massive amounts of people without them even knowing. Ban it all for me.
Yes, but there aren’t big companies Or organisations running the thing, trying to manipulate people. It’s mainly a bunch of grumpy old Barnsley farts, chewing the fat. Unless Gally is part of the Rothschild or Musk family…. ?
Stupid man spends vast sums of money he cannot afford on a business that loses money and in a few years will only ever be referenced when someone says "can you remember when people used to use Twitter."
I can almost guarantee that this will fail. He will let the racists back on it and people will boycott it. It's already an aging platform like Facebook
It’s a difficult one isn’t it? On the one hand I don’t want unelected and unaccountable people in California shaping the narrative on what I can and can’t see on twitter. But on the other hand I don’t want it to descend into the disgusting realms of, say, 4chan. I thought previously that these social platforms had tried unsuccessfully to claim they were only providing a service and had no responsibility for the content? That had been tested before. So anything illegal they have to take down especially if it’s reported. Then it’s the messy definition of illegal- not the same everywhere you can view twitter and things like “hate speech” are terms open to massive interpretations. Going to be interesting to see how it pans out.
The thing is though that they aren't shaping the narrative what you can see. They're shaping what you CHOOSE to go on Twitter and look at. People seem to forget that twitter is a company not an independent news company. It's a bit like complaining that coca cola shape the flavour of the soft drink they serve me. Of course they do, it's their product.
Barely used it before but deleted it yesterday. I'm sure lots of others will follow suit. True free speech is not viable. You only have to look on here at some of them who advocate it who go crying when someone calls them a ***** or whatever. Free speech when it suits, basically.
After watching that BBC2 documentary on him, I'd contend that he has vast sums of money that he doesn't know what to do with and this is his latest folly. He won't care if it goes down the pan, in his mind, it'll be someone else's fault when it does. And his Mum is even more bonkers than him.
Ah but it’s not all his money - he’s like Conway….