Unless your lass can cure sepsis both her and you have done the right thing tonight. Best wishes to your family. Thinking of you all.
Hope all goes well mate. Don't argue with Laura, you'll hate yourself for it after trust me. You've enough on your plate without worrying about losing the woman you love. Take care
I'm here mate if you want to PM me at all. I do agree with the other replies though where people have said you should have communicated to Laura how you really felt. Ar lass says I'm a s**t communicator I'd let it go for now so you don't cause a big bust up but definitely talk to her about it at some point.
Sending you love mate. If sepsis is diagnosed early it is easily treatable. My Dad has had it twice. Needs medical care & a drip of antibiotics. Not sure what any of us in civi street can do.
Hope all goes well for your dad pal, good news that they've got it early. Thoughts with you, keep strong, don't fall out over it.
All the best mate. I’ll keep everything crossed for your dad. Laura will have been conflicted too I’m certain. She’s on your team. As we all are!
Go to your dad Stephen, you’ll have plenty of time to make it right with everyone else, but if it goes wrong, you’ll live with it for a long time.
Do it now.i lost my dad when i was eleven & there is so much i would have liked to ask about his life but never got the chance. I`m 66 now & still regret it.
I lost my Dad in January it’s broke me……please say what you have to please because I wish I had……he’s gunna get better I hope but say your words
Late to this thread due to long drive home. Feel for you @Stephen Dawson hope your dad makes a speedy recovery.
Healing thoughts sent SD..hope your dad is soon out of danger and back to good health..here if you ever want to talk buddy ...understand your feelings, but I bet Laura is as upset as you are about your dad...and thinks highly of you for not objecting to her having a night out with her mum ....chin up buddy