I remember being shocked when I read how many people are lost to Sepsis so it sounds very encouraging they have caught it early. Best wishes to your Dad. I wouldn't worry about the Missus too much, in the grand scheme of things it's largely irrelevant, take the positive point of view that despite everything you've still managed to put her happiness first, which is a lovely thing. As long as it isn't a common theme then I'm sure you'll be fine.
I think you have had great advice from our trusted female correspondent re the relationship emotions, I'm sure your dad knows how much he means to you, just be the best dad you can be no bigger compliment you can pay your dad . Stay strong mate and hope for the best for you and your family
Not worth hating her for going out, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t care. I’m currently in hospital following a quite serious operation. It wouldn’t bother me if my family didn’t visit. Some days Ive been out of it and wouldn’t have known they were there. Other days, too tired to enjoy company. There’s not a lot they can do to support me in hospital but Ill be out soon and I know I’ll get the support I need from my family at home.
Sorry to hear this mate. Hope your Dad gets better soon. He's in the right place now, they'll get hom sorted. There's little anybody else can do apart from being a friendly face at the moment. Take care and please don't dwell on things. Tell everyone you love them - all the time. Life is too short
I had it a few years ago. Like your dad they caught it just in time. No doubt they’ve got him hooked up to a drip and giving him antibiotics. That will sort it. You can actually feel what’s its doing – like flushing your whole body clean. Even my eyelashes felt cleaner. Looking back I felt a bit crappy for a few months after though.
Good morning SD, hope your dad is on the mend which is the main priority. Don't let Laura going out with her mum ruin your relationship as I'm sure you will have transgressed in the past(accidentally of course, we all do) without her throwing you out. Tell all your family how much you love them and how much they mean to you as much as possible, as I echo a previous posters comment, "life is too short for falling out "
So sorry to hear about your Father, Stephen, old mate. Hopefully, he makes a good recovery. If you feel you need to tell him you love him, then do so.
Cheers folks for your kind words. Just got off the phone with him. He's going to be in Hospital a while because the swelling in his legs is Cellulosis. They don't really know what's going on in there. He's keeping his spirits up and my mum n' sisters are with him. I'm going to visit him after work tomorrow with my mum.
is cellulosis the same as cellulitis? If it is cellulitis then it's not sepsis - not brilliant to have cellulitis but at least it's the lesser of two evils! Know someone who had cellulitis in his leg - they used a felt-tip pen outlining the rash and swelling on his leg so they could keep track of how much the swelling reduced daily. He was treated at home - nurse calling daily to give him antibiotic injection -
I lost my Dad to Sepsis back in 1989. Never told him I loved him either. Big regret of mine. Realised when I hit 40 that I'd been without him for more years than I'd had him. Hard to lose a parent when you're 19. 52 now. Wish I could just spend an hour with him and introduce him to his two Grandkids. I really hope they sort him out, things have moved on. Tell him! Tell everyone who matters. I tell my kids everyday, and my missus. Thoughts are with you and yours