My dad has had alzheimers for 4 years he is 70 years old. Physically fine but this fecking horrible disease sucks. Hate it. It takes everything. I just wish i could speak to him and tell him how bad Barnsley are but then again he is better off not knowing. I love my dad always will but i wish it and everyone in the world never got this twatting disease. ******* horrible. Ivecbeen down about it since diagnosis. He was from wombell went to wombwell high. Took me to oakwell in 1980 and then i was hooked. Ibe not had much patience recently and kick off alot. Once a red always a red .
Don’t take this the wrong way but you need to prioritise yourself when possible. Having ageing unwell parents is extremely hard both physically and emotionally and help is not always there. Your mental health suffers and at times you take it out on them unintentionally. Lost both mine in recent years and although I miss them in a way I was happy their suffering ended. Try to do the things you enjoy while you can and be there. Don’t be afraid to seek support anywhere including here. All the best to you and your dad. You lifelong reds.
Sorry to hear this mate. Sorry I have no words of wisdom re this for you but just to say hang on in there, he’s your dad. It’s understandable your going to get down occasionally. All the best to you and your dad
Cheers chop. I try not to think about wen at work or home with wife and daughhter but i get very down wen i see him as he is
I feel your pain mate, my wife was diagnosed with Dementia at 49 years old this last 10 years have been hard, to say the least, but we have managed to forge on, how? Well, we seem to have found fortitude and resilience we didn't know we possessed. I wish you well for the tough road ahead.
Fortunately not had any close relatives with this god awful disease but good friend of mine mum had it , they lived 4 doors down from us for 18yrs but when he fetched her to visit she didn't have a clue who I was heart breaking .
Its a horrible disease as the person you knew is gone but their body is still there. Nothing I can say that really helps - its something many of us unfortunately have to deal with and there are no good answers, just a case of making the best you can of it. All you can do is what you think is for the best -and remember there is no one size fits all answer You have my sympathies not that it is any use. I hope you can keep strong and get the help you need from those close to you
Hi BB. Every sympathy with your Dad`s condition - it`s vicious and only goes one way. As said above it is essential that you not only look out for your Dad but all of you involved in his care. Probably covering something that you`ve already tried but we`ve had tremendous help from BIADs
Echo the words of others here, please make sure you take care of yourself too. I speak from experience that its all too easy to forget about yourself. Even if it's just a hour here and there totally for yourself. To be honest it's good to see people talking more openly about these issues. For what it's worth you have my sympathy facing this horrible illness.
That's understandable Keep talking to him though and tell him about Barnsley. Don't bottle things up, always come and post on here when you need to. It's a terrible disease
I would have been at High School at the same time as your Dad, and i am lucky enough to be ok, it scares me a little as i am youngest of 8. My father had it, my brother had it and another brother has it starting. My eldest sister is really bad with it and hasn't recognised anyone for a couple of years. It hits people hard, but it hits the nearest and dearest hard as well.
Sorry to read this BB. It's an evil disease. Not just for the victim, but everyone around them. My Mam's Dad suffered badly, to an aggressive degree, even though in his 90s. Sympathy to anyone whose lives this has affected. There is a greater awareness this last few years & hopefully that will lead to an effective treatment one day..
With people living longer, this disease will reach epidemic proportions over the coming decades. In terms of the importance of finding a cure, or even the means to mitigate the effects of it, it is right up there with cancer, but sadly gets only a fraction of the research money that cancer does.
I have every sympathy with you, my mam suffered from it. It is a truly awful ailment. I am an ex Wombweller aged 70 so I may well have come across your dad though I went to Wath not Wombwell High. The only thing you can do is provide whatever support you can and expect little from him in return.
I have no words of wisdom. Sorry. I have a similar experience with my Grandma and posted it on here a few weeks ago. Lots of people provided very helpful advice. Coincidentally I went to see her for the first time since that post today. It's her birthday. The visit was much better. She still had no idea who I was ( even when giving her a card with Grandma on it) but focusing more on making it a positive visit for HER rather than hoping for it to be one for ME seemed to make it better all round. As I said, I have no wisdom to share but there are a lot (too many) going through or gone through similar who will offer a supportive ear if/when you need one. Chin up and keep focusing on the important things in life, especially your own well being.
I feel ya. My mum has cancer and days left. It is the toughest part of life just got to surround yourself with amazing friends and family to help you through it.0
I worked with people with Alzheimer’s for many years as a registered nurse and I echo the good wishes and thoughts shown by all on here. I always found that kindness was key, in some cases that meant doing what was kind to you, when asked by relatives for advice I’d often point the towards “Contented Dementia” a book by Oliver James, it gives some good insight and lots of practical help for both sufferer and carer.
Hey up mate. Just wondering how you and the old man are getting on. Three points yesterday are great but nothing in the grand scheme of things. Lot of people on here to listen. You reds.