from away fans. Apparently all away fans are now banned from taking coins into the stadium as a result of coins being thrown. Apparently any coins found on fans will be confiscated and donated to charity. Coyld cause some interesting scenes
Wouldn't stop me. I'd start throwing fivers and tenners and £20 notes at the players. That'd show em.
So fans will be searched/frisked for coins, but yet pyros/ smoke bombs still manage to get through, good luck with that.
If it were Oakwell the players would probably throw them back and vast majority would go way over the stands
Not sure how they can police it & for such as myself who if I want to buy refreshment then how am I supposed to do it , I always pay cash & if you are travelling away there are other things such as parking as well as food & drink , not everyone in this world pays for everything by card.
You are missing my point, if you go on a coach & call at a pub or go for fish & chips etc or even by car or train , what are you supposed to do ? hide your cash under brick outside the ground until you come out , its ridiculous , there are a lot of the older generation who still use cash plus are they going to have thousands of people queuing whilst they get searched . I also find it laughable that fans get away with flares etc so how on earth are they going to impose a rule about money .
Its a fair point. These days I can usually avoid coins though if driving I always have some in the car as there are still some coin only parking machines If travelling by public transport though and using cash like you I dont see how you can avoid having some coins. What next will they ban car keys and phones- after all you could throw those
What about people wanting to get the bus back home? Or bringing a few quid for a programme and not managing to get one before entering stadium? Or getting change at the shop after buying something before going in? They can’t take money off people, ‘for charity’ it’s ridiculous. Cash is a lifesaver for those suffering from domestic abuse. People there could be taking cash for refreshments so a controlling partner (or parent if living at home) can’t track what they spent.
Let's hope they also ban bitcoins too! I've heard that these crypto currency businesses are dodgy too.
They can’t impose it. They won’t impose it. They certainly can’t confiscate it then give it away to someone else. Pretty sure that’s theft.
It won’t be theft as they will give you the choice between giving it up and gaining entry or not. personally I think it’s not been thought through and they will soon find its will be impossible to manage. Imagine 4,000+ fans turning up and having them checked individually and then having the conversation each time.