What's your favourite non actor cameo in a film? Tony Cottee playing himself, and being murdered by terrorists on live TV in 'Final Score' is definitely up there for me.
https://www.google.com/search?q=ali...#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:5d60a43c,vid:nRCTc6stICc Others are not worthy of the title.
I think Donald Trump made a brief appearance in one of the Home Alone films. But my favourite cameo (not a film, mind) was on Only Fools & Horses when Del Boy was queuing up in the airport. He suggested that the bloke in front of him was acting like he owned the airline and when he turned round, it was Richard Branson.
Ahh that was when they were off to Miami. And when they were there, Barry Gibb from the Bee Gees made a brief appearance on his front lawn.
Billy Idol - Wedding Singer Keith Richards - Pirates of the Caribbean Martin Scorsese mum in most of his films
Two of my cousins appeared in Ghandi. They were cycling around the world and doing regular phone-in interviews with Radio Sheffield...they had run out of cash by the time they arrived in India but dropped lucky as Attenborough was making the film at the time and they were looking for extras...they appeared in a few scenes as different (non speaking) characters.
King Richard Lionheart in Robin Hood. It was great that he got back just in time for a spot of tiffin'.
Billy Idol was cast as Jim Morrison's best mate in "The Doors" and was the first choice for the T-1000 in Terminator 2, but had a bad motorbike crash that cut his part in the former and cost him the role in the latter.