Does anyone Remember Me Artingstall? Around 1966-67 Only taught (English) for a couple of terms based in prefab He was 'out there' and had a book he called jumbo I think. Once grave a slide presentation of places he had travelled to. I think he got sacked as his qualifications were fake
I was "taught" English by Artingstall when I was at Holgate. Most lessons he had us sit cross legged on our desks to meditate so we would emerge as better people at the end. TBH, can't remember doing any written work that year!!
Sounds like the same fella that taught us woodwork. I left the oaks in 75. He might have gone to holgate when it was knocked down.
i believe it was him, i was there 2000-2005 and i remember having parents evening and my dad spotted him and he was at oaks and left in 75 as well. there was also mr patrick and i believe another teacher who i cant remember who use to work at Holgate who was at Oaks.
Anyone taught by "Bull" Merrin? I think he earned some sort of Military Medal, so the rumour went. Nice chap, taught me French.
I remember Spot quoting that. James Brown: "Say it out loud, I'm black & I'm proud". Wonder how they would have got on? Possibly quite well.
In his thoughtful moments.... gets up walks to the window. Scrapes that bit of hair over his head and looks out over the terraces. 'History chums! It's all around you!'
With you all, loved Spot, you just knew when those arms were thrown upwards, above his head, wisdom was to follow. I went back to see him in December 1979 after my first term in Uni, he played merry hell with me for making such a poor choice. Told me I should have come to see him after my results, said he could have put me anywhere. Too late, but nice to know he cared.
Mr Lewis was the first teacher i went to for a lesson (RE) - he seemed friendly. I did RE all the way through and he stuck his neck out for three of us who chose it as an option by running extra classes. (Don’t like the thought of him having a breakdown). Everything after that was a bit scary. Mrs Morgan (Maths) in particular. Mr Fairhurst, and the rest in their gowns - very scary start to secondary school!!
My sister was round earlier and we told our Mrs Morgan story. At parents evening, our dad, not averse to embarrassing us, took it to a new level. Mrs Morgan called him in and he walked straight past the chair and to the store cupboard. He asked if he could have a look inside. Mrs Morgan asked why and he said “well my kids are both convinced you’re a witch, so I was just looking for a broomstick”. He told us he’d said this when he got home and we nearly had heart failure, but then thought about it and decided there’s no way that our dad, whose role is to nurture and protect us, would say something like that to the scariest person in the school. And I’m including the full roster of school bullies in that. …would he? The very next sodding morning, 2nd lesson, maths. I shuffled in, took my seat, fortunately several desks back, and kept my head down. She gave us our instructions for the lesson and I set about adding and subtracting. A few minutes later Mrs Morgan piped up, “Paul Waddington”. My insides turned to jelly and I somehow managed to lift my head to look at her. She just smirked at me and said “carry on”, whilst everybody else in the class wondered why my face was now the colour of my favourite football shirt.
“Yer slack, yer sloppy and you’re the worst 3A I’ve ever had. And by God I’ll warm yer round, just now” Said that to every class he ever taught - just changed the name of the class. There was a VI form text book, inside which the boys who had used it over the years had written down his various sayings.
I’d like to see that. OK. Here we go. The Spot Avery Quiz. Question 1 We’re halfway through a lesson. Spot is going on about some treaty or statesman or summat. As usual he’s prowling the classroom when suddenly he stops. He draws himself up to his full height, smooths down his hair, closes his eyes and says: “Very, very obviously in fact of course…. What happens next?
Link below to today's Chronicle article about this.
Thank you. At the moment it’s in the hands of the Historian who is trying to work out the costs/ logistics of moving the board. I think it’s highly unlikely it will be resolved before next weekend, as we will need help with installation at our end. I expect that once it is in place, there will be a call to former pupils to help with the reading of the names each year. There is some discussion about reading the names anyway (without the board) I’m not sure if we’ll get this organised in time.
even though i hated school and a lot of the teachers as well, thinking back he probably was a decent bloke. he has something to do with the church on Doncaster Road that use to the the Ashfield.