BBC2 tonight, missed the start but what I saw Alex Turner hasn’t lost his touch one them or hate them they’ve been a massive band for nearly 20 years, whilst they’ve changed there style a think he’s a very talented guy leading a globally iconic band!! What I’ve heard of there new stuff is pretty good
Best band in the world. Anyone that hates their new stuff can still listen to their old classics. Changing with the times, can’t knock them. 505 Do Me A Favour Still Take You Home Dangerous Animals Fire And The Thud All bangers
Tbh I’ve lost track with them really, was mad on them when they first got going and was fortunate enough to see them at some great gigs but just seemed to forget about them.......that 505 he’s just finished with was brilliant
Alex Turner is a genius in my opinion. Proper artist. Sadly I think this is probably the Monkey’s curtain call. I’ve been lucky enough to see them numerous times since 2006, they’ve changed so much since then but have nailed it pretty much every time.
If the album had finished with Mirrorball then maybe, when I heard that it felt like a swansong but I don't think they're done
Keep reminding me that it ain't a race When my invincible streak turns onto the final straight If that's what it takes to say goodnight Then that's what it takes hopefully I’m wrong