Announced his retirement from football this morning on his Instagram. He's been playing for Prescot Cables in the 8th tier. Gives an excuse to repost this. A man who has given our supporters more memories than most. I'll forever be grateful of that. Absolutely untouchable during that incredible run between 2015 and 2017.
Fantastic footage of the great man , the fans loved him & he loved the fans & the club , a true legend , would love to see him back here in some capacity .
Better players than Adam Hammill will play for Barnsley in future. But Adam played almost 200 games for us. We'll not get more than couple of dozen games out of anyone who is anywhere near his quality. That's what football is now for clubs of our stature. Anyone who is any good is gone. And no one gets to see them. They're hoovered up by huge clubs with massive squads and they don't play. By the time they're released several years later they're no good anymore because they didn't get the experience when they needed it. They're rich but their passion for the game is long gone. So no, I don't think we will.
You can watch that so many times, and each time it brings a tear to the eye, or a little wee in the underwear. Such skill, arrogance and self belief.
He gave Barnsley fc supporters some memorable moments and was a great player in his heydays. But I have to agree with a previous post, he would not be a player at Oakwell for very long as he would be sold to a premier league club when any substantial bid was made. Such is the state of football these days.
What we'd give to have a player in our current team who isn't afraid to try and take on a player and gets the fans out of their seats. Be good to see him back at Oakwell one day in a coaching capacity. I hope he does OK without playing Football because a lot struggle in retirement.
His name is stamped for ever in the history of our club. Deservedly so. One of our greatest ever players.
one of the best modern day players I have seen put a red shirt on, absolute Oakwell legend, enjoy your retirement Adam
Great video. Thanks for posting. A truly wonderful player. In all my years watching the Reds I have never seen one man bring such influence on the pitch in such a short time. From bottom of the League to promoted. Extraordinary Adam. Thank you for so many wonderful memories.
Fantastic for Barnsley, but I can't help thinking that he missed out somehow on a stellar career at a higher level. Thanks for the memories, especially that playoff goal at Wembley, me an my son were sat in line with it and we knew is was going in for what seemed like an age before it hit the net.
Even in his day he was sold , when he came back no one would touch him that’s why we got him and thank goodness we did .
I love it that in his instagram post the photo he uses is the one at Wembley with his MoTM trophy and that he calls us our explicitly: "I'll cherish so many memories especially my adopted home Barnsley FC...." He loved us almost as much as we loved him. His goodbye after relegation at Derby still stands out for me because of the authenticity and depth of his emotion. As other posters have said I don't think we'll see anyone as good play as many games for us again. Similarly and sadly, I doubt we'll ever see anyone with such a genuine connection and love for the club and the town again, because they won't be around long enough to develop it. I'd love to see him back at Oakwell in some capacity. Maybe a little of his passion might rub off on them.
No bigger fan of Adam (player and person) than me at Oakwell. When you think of our heroes post-Premier League season, he's right at the top, surely?
Thanks for posting @Archey Just watched it. It made me a bit misty eyed. I've watched it before ages ago but had forgotten the 'goodbye' at Derby at the end. I can't help thinking that it's skills like his that entertain and excite people and get them out of their seats. The 'Pep' style of pass, pass, pass and move may be very efficient and effective but imo it's nowhere near as exciting as seeing extraordinary skills like he had.
Me and my lad were sat on the very front row at that Derby game and he stood in front of the Barnsley fans with genuine tears in his eyes saying his farewells. His footballing talent is unquestionable but that day proved that he loves our club as much as any of us fans do. It’s fair to say, me and my lad both left Pride Park with a ‘bit of grit in our eyes’, and not because we had just been relegated. Mind, Morais got sacked barely 20 minutes later which soon dried our tears.